The End

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Athena: I'd like to thank you all for sticking with us this long, to read this crazy ass fanfiction! It's been a pleasure to entertain you all, but sadly the time has come...


The club had just came back in from the fight. The horrid game of Truth or Dare had finally finished. Peace had returned back to music room 3, and boredom had miraculously ended. New couples had been created in the coarse of this game, beautiful couples that would make the prettiest babies ever!! *fangirls a little*

Kyoya and Haruhi were sitting on the couch of the host club, holding hands. While Hikaru and Koaru stood in the corner near the window, making out. Mori was sitting at the table, feeding his beloved Honey spoon fulls of ice cream cake. And the hottest couple there- Athena and Tamaki - were chilling in the middle of the room together, listening to music(bands like Panic! or Melanie or TOP).

Kyoya: According to my watch, it is time for the host club to wrap it up today. We can finally go home.

Haruhi: I'll see you tomorrow though, right?

Kyoya: Of course.

Hikaru and Koaru finally stop making out-

Hikaru: Lets go

Koaru: home now.

They fumble out the door of music room 3, barely able to keep their hands of each other. *If you know what I mean ;)*

Hikaru&Koaru: Bye guys! *they shout before they leave*

Kyoya: I should probably get going. Haruhi, do you want me to drive you home?

Haruhi: Thank you, sure!^-^

They get up from the couch and make their way out.

Honey: *yawns adorably*

Mori: You look tired Miskuni. We should head home.

Honey: *rubs his tired eyes adorably* Okay, Takashi. Carry me? *lifts his arms up to be carried*

Mori: *kisses Honey and lifts him up and carries him out the door*

Tamaki: Athena, I think we should-

Tamaki suddenly stops what he was saying. He looks down to see Athena sound asleep, with such a peaceful look on her face.

Tamaki: For some one so evil, she kind of looks cute. *smiles a little*

Tamaki then lays back down, and wraps his arm around Athena. Sooner or later he has fallen fast asleep. So Tamaki and Athena lay on a blanket in the middle of music room 3, cuddling adorably in their sleep as the music on Athena's phone kept playing...

*Play Song Now*

(A Lil Sneak Peak Into The Future: Athena was going to kill him when she got up! He left her phone playing, and she was loosing battery and didn't bring her charger! That idiot! Her idiot!)

It was a good day for Kyoya and Haruhi. It was a good day for Mori and Honey. It was a good day for Hikaru and Koaru. It was a really good day for Tamaki and Athena... It was a good day for the Host Club.

And they lived Happily Ever the fuck After! XD Peace out bitches!!!!

Truth Or Dare: an Ouran Highschool Host Club FanficWhere stories live. Discover now