chpt. 9 (WARNING-this gets a little 'dirty')

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Outside the closet
Athena+Neko-kitty: Wooooo!! Yeah!!! You Get Some, Mori!!!! *whistling*

Everyone: okay okay, that's enough

Hikaru: you guys can come out now!

Kouru: we don't want to see this sad excuse for a closet porno anymore!

Athena: Kouru! Don't be so rude.

Kouru: sorry...

Mori and Honey finally walked out of the closet, panting with red faces. They awkwardly took their places and we're then silent.

Neko-kitty: sorry Athena, but I gotta bounce. I have a Hetalia Fanfic I need to get to.

Athena: oh, that's cool. I'll just call when I need you. Bye!

Neko-kitty: chao! *disappears in poof of smoke*

Athena: okay boys, let's continue *smirks*

Kyoya: uggh, you aren't leaving too. *disappointed*

Athena: shut up, Kyoya. I'll leave when I wanna.

Athena's phone vibrates and she goes to check it. When she does she devishly smiles and does a little evil cackle. *DUN DUN... DUN!!*

Athena: oh, everyone except Hikaru and Kouru are really going to enjoy this dare!! *laughs maniacally*

Hikaru&Kouru: WHA-???

Athena: ATTENTION! Everyone who's been negatively affected by Hikaru and/or Kouru... REVENGE IS NEAR!!!

Hikaru&Kouru: shit...

Everyone else: Yay!

Athena: Hikaru and Kouru, would you like to hear your dare?

Hikaru&Kouru: NO!

Athena: well, TOO BAD. Cause I'm reading it anyway!

Kouru: uggh!

Hikaru: you bitc-

Athena: *cuts him off* one of my friends sent me this request... - "I dare kouru to give hikaru a smashing lap dance to the song 'I'm to sexy for my shirt'. 😂😂😂" by Alexa2003Anime

Hikaru: no no no no NO! You must be outta your f*cking MIND!!!!

Kouru: hell no, hell to the no. Hail to da naw!!

Athena: *laughs* yes!

Hikaru&Kouru: NO!

Athena: let me put it this way... *serious face* You don't have a choice.

Hikaru: she's right...

Kouru: Dammit!

Athena: *snaps her fingers and a chair appears* that's Hikaru's chair. *snaps finger again and in the background 5 more chairs appear with bowls filled with popcorn on each one* and those are for our audience; Tamaki, Kyoya, Honey, Mori, and of course Haruhi. *snaps finger one last time and a huge sterio appears* and that's for the sexy music! Now go ahead...

Everyone takes their seats including Hikaru, and the rest enjoy their popcorn. While Kouru steps up in front of Hikaru.

Hikaru didn't think he could move if he tried. He was pretty sure his heart had just stopped, and sweat broke out on his hands and forehead.

Hikaru: 'Kouru's going to give me a lap dance?' He blinked, resisting the urge to pinch himself. This was going to be the epitome of Hikaru's dreams-and nightmares-if it were real. Hikaru has had a crush on Kouru since middle school... So this was amazing

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