chpt. 13

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Everyone: *laughter*

Tamaki: *ogle-ing Haruhi's figure*

Kyoya: ATHENA!!!!!! *super pissed*

Athena: shit! Gotta go, BYE! *quickly disappears in smoke and thunder*

Kyoya: Athena!! Get your ass back in here!

Athena: *appears in smoke and thunder* what now Kyoya? *annoyed* I was just in my favorite LevixReader fanfiction for AOT.

Everyone: what the hell is that?!?

Athena: never mind... What do you want, Kyoya?

Kyoya: for you to get me out of this thing!

Athena: oh, okay. Sure.

Kyoya: really? *surprised*

Athena: mm hm

Kyoya: wow, that was easy. So... Um. I guess, turn me back.

Athena: sure. *snaps finger*

Kyoya: *looks down* ATHENA!!!

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Kyoya: *looks down* ATHENA!!!

Everyone: *hysterical laughter*

Athena: *laughing* Today's dare is brought to you by Alexa2003Anime - "Have Kyoya dress in a bunny girl costume for the rest of the day... Lmao."

Kyoya: Damn it!!

Athena: thank you, Alexa2003Anime ! ^-^

Everyone: thank you, Alexa2003Anime ! ^-^

Kyoya: don't thank her!

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