Chapter 6

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Cher P.O.V

Did I ever mention how much I hate my English teacher, no? Well then, I hate her! I was just sitting in my chair paying no attention like always until she said we have to have a partner for our project.

You know who she put me with? No not Delilah, Justin. I want to punch her in the face with a metal chair.

While I was in my rant in my head I heard Delilah's and Ryder's name being called and I turned to her and saw she had the same reaction.

"Valorie and Aiden. Chole and Dameon. Zoe and Brent." She spoke looking at a piece of paper.

'Holy shit is she against us or something?' I thought grimacing and glaring at the teacher with narrowed eyes.

We all had the same reaction except the boys. They were just smirking there dumb ass smirks. I take that back I want to punch Mrs Brown in the face with my fist and them with a metal chair.

A loud clap from Mrs Brown, brought me back out of my thoughts.

"Ok get with your partners and start working, you have 15 minutes until class is over and It's due Next Wednesday." Mrs. Brown said walking over to her desk and her computer as she started typing.

I rolled my eyes and growled from the back of my throat. I didn't get up from my chair as I just leaned back and put my feet on the table. A minute later Justin walked up and sat across from me. I glared at him and put my feet down and Ignoring his presence.

"What did I do to make you hate me so much?" He asked leaning back smirking that stupid smirk.

I rolled my eyes,but then I got an idea. I stood up and slowly walked over to him always staring into his eyes. He swallowed noticeably and stared at me as I bent down and seductively whispered in his ear.

"That's for me to know and you to find out." and with that I grabbed my stuff and walked out of the room ignoring Mrs. Brown's yells to come back into class.

I walked to the bathroom and after I used the restroom I walked over to the sink, turned on the water and started washing my hand's. Suddenly I felt someone behind me, The smell of Axe and Citrus invaded my nose. My stomach flipped when I smelt him, but I pushed it away and grimaced instead.

'I hate this feeling' I thought.

"This is the girl's restroom you prick." I growled turning off the water and walking over to dry my hands.

I threw away the paper towel and walked to the door, but my path was cut short when I was pushed up against the wall again by Justin.

'What is it with him and pinning me against walls?' I thought again.

"I'd like to figure out what I've done to make you hate me." He growled back at me staring darkly into my eyes.

"In your dreams." I sneered

His grip tightened and eye's darkened.

"One way or another Cher I wil find out." He said letting his grip loosen.

Just then his lips crashed to mine and a shock went through my body. I tried to push him off, but he held on tighter. I moved my lips with his a little bit when he nudged his lips against mine. I tried again to push him off. I felt something warm graze across my bottom lip making me gasp before I could realize what he did, His tongue slid into my mouth. I gave up after a little bit, I liked the taste of him. I moved my tongue with his and as I did so, I felt him smile. His lips closed around my tongue and sucked provoking a moan from the back of my throat. He pulled back and attached his lips to my jaw. He kissed down my neck until he reached the spot behind my ear. I let out a small moan. He sucked there leaving a dark bruise. He moved lower and a picture flashed in my mind again. I took all my strength and pushed him off. He seemed surprised, but not angry. He smiled at me and from him a real smile was rare like really rare. His smile was breath-taking.

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