Chapter 27

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Justin's P.O.V

The boy's and I are going to a club tonight. The girls decided to stay home and have a girls night out. Being away from Cher will be hard,but the boy's begged me. I was over at Ryder's right now and he was in the shower getting ready while I'm just sitting on his bed watching the telly. I was waiting for Dameon and the guys to get here. I let out a sigh and got up and walked to the kitchen. I grabbed a glass from the cupboard and poured me some juice. I put the juice carton back in the fridge and went back into the living room with my glass. I sat back down and switched the telly to the xbox and started playing COD.

"Justin?" I hear my name being called from behind me.

"What Ry?" I ask

"Did you get that bored." He asked amused.

"Shut up." I growl

"Daymn Take a chill pill BooBear." He said sitting by me.

I pause the game and rub my face with my hands, groaning."Sorry Ry, just tired." I mumbled

"Well good thing we are going out.You need a drink." He said laughing then the doorbell rang.

"Okay let's go." I said turning off the xbox and grabbing my jacket and shoes then heading out the door with Ryder behind me.

-Skipping boring car ride-

"Whoa! Lets go boys!" Aiden yelled jumping out of the car,

I rolled my eyes,but laughed he would be so wasted later. We all walked in and sat down at the bar with Aiden. We all got shots, but I got more to drink then everyone which surprised Dameon. I'm not big of a drinker.

"Justin, stay were I can see you." Dameon said strictly as I wobbled to the dance floor.

"ohhh piss off." I slurred.

I walked up behind some random person and started dancing with them. My mind was blank and I was wasted as fuck. I grabbed the person's waist and started grinding with her. She turned around and put her arms around my neck while we danced.

"What's your name sexy." I slurred taking a swig of my vodka.

"Eleanor, what about you babe?" She said with a smirk that reminded me of someone

Justin, Do you wanna take this somewhere else." I whispered in her ear obviously not thinking clearly.

She giggled as I dragged her to the back rooms.

Dameon's P.O.V

I looked around for Justin not being able to find him.

oh shit 'I thought.

I looked around until I saw a glimpse of him disappearing behind a wall. I ran after him, but when I turned the corner I couldn't see him.

I walked back to the bar. Beyond pissed. I know he's wasted,but he's cheating on Cher and I couldn't stop it. I looked around for the rest of the boys to see them all together in a mean game of pool. They wern't as drunk as Justin, just a little tipsy. The only sober one of us is probably Ryder and I. I walked up to them and watched for a while. Time quickly passed and soon people started to leave.

"Where Is Justin?" Aiden asked suddenly.

I frowned and suddenly got very pissed. My eyes flicked to behind me and they caught on soon enough.

"What!?" Ryder yelled with a furious expression. As he threw the pool stick down and stopped down the hall. We just listened as we heard a door slam open and a scream and a door slam again.

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