Chapter 22

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Cher's P.O.V

I smiled when I felt a pair of lips on mine. I slowly opened my eyes blinking a few times to adjust to the light. I looked at Justin to see him smiling at me.

"Time to get up love, Your mum just came in here. We are leaving in an hour." 

I rolled my eyes and groaned pulling the covers over my head.

"Common now." Justin said trying to get the covers from above my head. 

I just groaned louder. 

I heard Justin let out a chuckle. Before I felt the bed dip signaling Justin got off the bed. Then the duvet was ripped off my body making me curl up in a ball and blindly reach behind me for the duvet. 

I groaned and sat up after not being able to find it. "Jayy" I moaned sleepily getting out of bed.

"Sorry babe, you have to get up." I saw him smirk and I stuck my tongue at him.

"I'll go make you some tea." He said, he gave me a kiss and headed down stairs.

I grabbed some clothes and a towel and headed towards the bathroom. I took off my clothes and turned on the water waiting for it to get to the temperature I liked. I stepped in and started to take a shower. I felt someones arms wrap around me making me scream and jump in the air. I turned around almost slipping and glared at Justin.

"Justin!" I snarled only earning a chuckle. 

"Yes love?"

"Get out!" I yelled my voice getting calmer

He pulled a face and held his hand up to his chin acting like he was thinking. Then he looked down at me with a half smirk which was sexy as fuck. I gave him a weird look before I was pinned up against the wall with Justin  lips slammed against mine.  I sighed and gave in. Our lips moved together. The kiss got heated fast. One of his hands moved to the back of my neck deepening the kiss as his other hand rested on my hip. I moaned softly and pulled back as he laid our heads together and kissed me gently. 

"I love you." He whispered.

My heart skipped a beat. I looked up into his eyes and only saw love, and honesty.

I leaned in and gave him a sweet kiss.

"I love you too." 

We finished the shower and got out and got ready. By the time we were done getting our things together. Rouge and Mom had left. Justin and I were driving our own car. Meaning Justin was driving while I slept. He gets payback from waking me up that wanker. I grabbed my suit case as Justin walked out the door to start the car. It was still snowing, but lightly. I put my suit case by the door and grabbed by coat from the hanger and put it on. Then grabbed my beanie. I opened the door and looked around. The snow laid heavily on the ground and still falling. The streets were quiet except the cars that occasionally drove by. I looked over to Justin car seeing he had already grabbed my suit case and put it in the trunk. I quickly stepped back inside grabbed my Ugg Boots and put them on heading out the door. I jogged to the car watching as the breath I let out visibly showed in front of me. I opened the car door and got in instantly feeling the warm air warm me up. I remembered during the winter when the snow stopped falling Dad, Mom, Rouge, and I went out side to go make snow angles and snowmen. One winter flashed in my mind as the best winter ever.


"Dad! Dad! lets go outside!" I yelled happily pulling by dad towards the door. He chuckled as he got his coat on. 

I looked over at my mom as she smiled at us carrying a 1 year old Rouge.

"Mum, you and Rouge come too??" I asked jogging up to her.

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