chapter 1 We meet Again

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I woke up to the alarm that was by my ear .. I had to drag myself off the bed I went to the shower I hurried up so I wouldn't be late for my job at Starbuck's me and my friends Vicky, and Sabrina work there were bestfriends we meet each other at a club we noticed we mostly had things in common we have wavy hair, like to go to clubs, go shopping & so much more.

Victoria, Sabrina and I live in a apartment that my parents rent us my mom is a doctor & my dad is lawyer so they have lots of money but I don't care about that.

I looked at the clock next me I was already almost late to my job so I hurried and put on my uniform and put my black vans & go my keys of the counter I checked Victoria to see she was gone ..I didn't checked sabrina because she doesn't work today so I ran to my green munstang and turn on the engine amd drove of to Starbucks .. as I was getting to Starbucks I saw lots of girls outside of Starbucks tapping on the window yelling "I love you one direction" and stuff but I saw victoria outside

so I went to go park my car in the back and went to go talk to vicky

hey why is their lots of girls here ?. I asked her

well the band one direction are in Starbucks!!" she screamed at me

hmm that band sounds familiar to me I just left that thought to my boss that came yelling

"hey you guys better go take their orders noww ..!!

Vicky and I ran into starbucks because we knew he'll fire us if we didn't listen to him

i went inside and took their orders

"Thank you for coming to starbucks may I take your order"

"umm may I have 5 choclate ship mocha with 5 blueberry muffins please ."

"Umm sure that'll be $45.89 please " he handed me a $50 I grabbed his change but he told me to keep the change

"thank you "I said

"Can you please give me your name please,"

" Zayn Malik"

" okay thank you we'll call your name whe your order is done"

I hurried to get the 5 muffins

Vicky already made the coffee's and gaved them their coffee's so then I had to give them their muffins but I just called their name

"umm Zayn" I called but instead of him coming a blondish teenage boy came then I looked at his face

"Niall?." he looked confused at first but then he looked at me closely and then seemed to be shocked.


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hope you guys like it

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