Chapter 40 Gone

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ughh I hate school but anyways thank you to those who read my story. :D lol
But anyways here Chapter 40 I can't believe i'm on chapter 40 already :') Lol but anywas you can read this chapter now aha.

~Stef Xxx


She was watching us from a distance while I stod their

"Babe are you okay?" Niall asked me

I looked at him and nodded me head

"Niall we have to go now." I said

While grabing his hand

He then pushed me backwards towards him "Why Stef what's wrong?" He asked me with worry in his face

"Nothing Niall now let's go." I said getting angry

He just nodded while he got the keys out of his pockets while we walked towards his car.

He then slowely opened the door and slowely he took his time to get inside while I checked behind to see if she was there.

But I didn't see her

Feeling relieved I looked at Niall as he concentrated to get out of the parking.

"I'm sorry." I bursted out

"For what?" He asked me

"For being a ass." I said

We stopped in a red light

He then turned around to look at me

"You weren't being a ass babe." As he gave me a quick peck on the lips  and driving back to my apartment.

"But i'm anyways sorry for everything." I said as I looked infront of me

As we were getting near my apartment I saw a figure on the road

It was just standing their but Niall didn't seem to see it

"Niall slow down." I said

He wasn't listening to me

instead of slowing down he went faster

"Niall!" I yelled but he kept going

Once again I yelled intel he knew what was happing

but it was to late he had ran over that human that was standing on the road

All we heard was a bang

everything was slient

All we see is the person laying down on the road with a black sweater and black jeans in front of us.

I looked at Niall who was frozen looking infront of him

I got out of the car and slowely walked up to the person

As I got nearer I saw it's hand twitch

I grabed it's shoulder and make it lay on it's back

I then realized it was barbara

I notice that she went on the road and tryed to fake that she was a human by pretending she got hurt

She knew we were coming and all I know is she's trying to kill me

I looked in her eyes she was good at acting innocent

I sae Niall had gotten out of the car

"Niall get back in the car." I said

"Stef th-"

"JUST GET BACK IN THE CAR."I yelled as Barbara started to get up

she winked at me as she looked at Niall

"Hey Niall." She said

as she looked at me

"You know I have tryed to confront you many times but I guess you ran away each time I try too." She said

as she walked behind me

"But this time you won't run away." She said by my ear

I stod their as I looked at Niall who stod their not knowing what to do

I just sighed and said

"What do you want."

"You know what I want." she said

"Actualy I don't know what you want barbara now tell me." I said

"I want Niall."


she want's Niall

I shook my head


"Why no Stephany."

"Because he doesn't deserve to be one." I said

"To be a what Stephany." She asked me

I stod their while My eyes started to water

"Like one of you Stephany say it."

I shook my head

"SAY IT." She said as she was threating me while putting her hand by my heart

"A MONSTER." I yelled

as I felt myself fall to the floor

"Don't take him please, don't turn him he doesn't deserve to be a monster or else." I said

I looked at barbara she seemed to be enjoying the fact that was begging

"Or else what Stephany?" She asked me as she smirked

"You can kill me." I said

I looked at her as she stod their shockly

"NO!" I heard someone yell making my head face to where it had come from

"Just take me." Niall said

"Just turn me I don't care but just don't kill her."

I shook my head "Niall stop what are you doing." I said

"I'm saving us." He said

"Now take me." Niall said

"NO Niall I won't let you." I said as I grabed his arm

but he shook my hand off his arm

"Let me be Stephany, I don't want you to die just for me, If I get turned i'll find you Stef." He said

"But Ni-."I said As I saw  was barbara had grabed his arm

"Stopp no let him go." I said

"I love you so much." As I only saw the road as I saw Niall vanish infront of me

"I love you so much." was his last words before he vanished

My mind was blank all I can think of was his last words.





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