chapter 19 Her

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recap : "your done loving who"
niall said

i looked at him i then wiped my tears

"why do you care."i said

i then walked out i went to the apartments yeard

i walked by the trees i sat on the grass

i then looked ahead to see a shadow

i then heard zayn calling me he couldn't find me because the trees were kind of far from the apartment

i then just went where the shadow was. I walked closer i then saw the shadow disappear wtf i thought i was about to turn around intel someone covered my mouth

"Don't even move or scream." a person said i only knew it was a girl  voice  i heard it from somewhere but i just can't remember where

but i didn't care what that person says i bit her hand she then took her hand off my mouth.

"owww you son of bitch."she said i turned around i looked at her shockly. it was my childhood bestfriend " barbara ." i said


i was walking back from school  i was meeting niall at his house so was my bestfriend barbara  but she already got their i think but anways

i was walking towards niall's drive way i knew where niall kept his spear key so i picked up the plant and got the key from under it 

i then unlocked the door i opend it i then took my shoes off and walked to the living room nobody was their i thought it was weird.

i went upstairs i saw nialls door close hmm weird its always open
i opend it to see barbara on top of niall

"niall...barbara?."i said ad i felt tears stream down my face
i ran downstairs and grabbed my shoes and put them on i heard niall comeing after me

but i ran faster then him and i got away from him i ran home i took my key and opend the door and locked myself in my room.

after those days i had gotten bullied but even though i didn't want to see niall he protected me
-------end of flashback------

i then got back with niall because i gaved him one last chance.

i then looked a barbara she was tall had blond hair and blueish eyes of course  niall would cheat with me with her

i the said "what do you want barbara i never wanted to see you again what you did to me hurted like shit you knew it would hurt my heart your the fucken reason i got bullied ."

i said

"look bitch i didn't come to see you i came to see niall."she said

"what do you want from him." i said

giving her a  threating look

she rolled her eyes and said "i just came to see if he could maybe go out with me."

i then started to laugh she looked at me funny "why are you laughing." she said

"hunny you won't get a chance with him trust me i tried it won't work." i said

"how do you know if he would reject this."she said i rolled my eyes

"he found someone else her name is demi and trust me you don't want to mess with her even tough i fucked her up she might fuck you up."i said

she rolled her eyes "how come i could fucked you up before at school  maybe  i still can but you may never know."she said smiling at me

i looked at her and said "wanna try me?."i said  smiling at her she smiled widley and said "alright if you want me to fuck you up." she said

i raised my hands towards my face like boxers would do . she did the same

she came towards me trying to punch me but i moved quickly and hit me  right in the eye  we kept going

she hit me in the nose it kind of started to bleed i think

she then hit my cheek it did burn  though she again hit me but this time she punched my stomach

i then felt dizzy  but i wanted to beat her up like she did back then

i wanted to finish her off by hitting her in her nose

so i then said "my turn." i then punched her nose and her cheek

when i punched her on the cheek she fell to the floor. it looked like i made her black out

for some reason i felt even more dizzer i tryed running towards the apartment i then looked to my sides i was almost their

i was then by the trees i  then held on to the trees i got even more dizzer. damit i then touched my nose i then looked at my hand my nose was bleeding crazly

i then thought don't vamps heal but i then started to walk back to the apratment i saw zayn and the rest i guess were up stairs

"zayn."i said weakly but i think he didn't see me  or hear mehe was looking to the right were barbara was at

but their were too many trees to be able to see her

the next thing you know i fell to the grass and all i heard was my name being called thats when i blacked out.

-------------vicky pov----------

"im fucken done loving him, and fighting for him zayn im done."i heard stef yell i think everyone was shocked

all of us ran to her room niall went first and then he said "your done loving who?"

then sted said "why do you care." wiping her tears off and ran

i didnt know what to do i was shocked this is the first time i ever saw her like this.

i then saw zayn went after her a couple mintues after.

"zayn i think you should let her chill for a little." niall said

zayn turned around and said

"i think its better to look for her instead of letting her go by herself in the streets at midnight."he snapped at niall

niall seemed suprised at zayn out burst

-------50min. past----

i was looking for stef im so worried she would of come back already but she didn't

i looked at the yard to see zayn looking for her but he couldn't he was worried like i was

i then saw zayn stop and looked to his right.

i then looked to my right and saw stef she looked like she got beaten up.

i ran out i went up to her "stephany!" i screamed i then saw zayn looking at me and realized what was happing he ran fast up to stef was at.

i saw her lay on the dark grass i then saw the moon was shinning brightly at us.

i looked at stefs face she was beaten up her nose was bleeding she had a bruise on her cheek 

i tryed looking for her pulse but i couldn't find it

"zayn ....zayn ."i said  " i can't find her pulse."i said starting to cry

i then saw the rest come out they ran up to us i saw harry he took me away from stef

" stop let me go  i need to be by her side."i said it seemed like i was in a movie but i wasn't

it was reality

well i hoped you liked it you guys will find out what happend to stef why she had blacked out and why she didn't heal
in the next chapter
ooohhh and please vote and follow me im a loner as you can see i only have like 4 followers
love ya
~stef xxx

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