Chapter 46 Friendship

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Hey just wanted to ask you guys of you want a shout out just tell me lol I don't mind and if you want me to read one of your guys stories then ask me I always read when i'm bored lol anyways just comment the story name or message it to me lol anyways In the next chapter i'ma give some shout outs to the ones who voted ^.^
Happy reading
Lol :)

"Niall," I whisperd I felt my heart start to beat

"Why didn't you tell me," he said

"Tell you what Niall," I said

"That you were leaving," he said slowely start to walk up to me

I walked back bumping into Ryan

I then quickly grabed Ryan's hand and locked our hands together

"You didn't need to know that since you went to go find someone else and move on," I said

He then stared at my hand that was locked with Ryans

"I still care for you," he said

I felt my blood boil

"Niall you know damn right you don't care about me if you did you wouldn't have left me like that I bet you had this all planned out in your damn head, news flash Niall I moved on too, I found someone else he helped me through the bad times when I was heartbroken, and that's when I realised the times we spent together wasn't even real it was all fake and to think it was real..... I was fucken stupid to believe we were going to be together like a normal couple would " I said as I shook my head

"Look Ste-,"

"I don't want to hear it I waited months but you never came you left me...You left me for her, congrats I hope you have the one that would love you for you and not for your looks," I said

I looked at Ryan who was just watching us as I spoke to Niall

I looked at Niall who I knew was holding his tears back

"Thank you for opening my eyes now I know who to love and give my love to and to love someone who is the same like me now I have to go," I said as I draged Ryan out

"You were brave," He said as he gave me a hug

but I knew he knew I had to let it out

"Stef just let it all out cry, scream, whatever you want you have been strong since a damn year," He said

So I cried "I'm sorry Ryan," I said

"ah it's okay as long as were together everything is okay were both vampires we can sometimes be emotional," He said.

I nodded my head as I tryed to stop crying

I then looked around to see that we were in a park

"How did we get here," I asked Rayn

"well you were crying and crying on my chest so we ended up walking here," He said

I nodded my head

"Do you wanna walk around here to get your mind off of things," Ryan asked

I nodded my head I hugged him on the side and we started to walk around

"You know when I first saw you I felt my heart flutter," Ryan said

I looked up at him he was 6ft tall while I was 5'4

I smiled at him "I can say the same thing," I said

I then slowely kissed him feeling his lips curve up into a smile

"Ahmmm." We then both sepreated looking to see Harry



I ran up to him hugged him  wrapping my hands around his waist.

"Where the hell did you go we have been looking for you for months ," He asked me he then looked behind me to see Ryan

"And who is this," He asked me

"Harry this is Ryan my boyfriend, Ryan this is Harry my bestfriends boyfriend," I said

"hello," Ryan said as he waved his hand

"American?" Harry asked him and he nodded his head

"So where the hell did you go," Harry asked me

"I left to the U.S and started a new life," I said

"And forget about your bestfriends," Harry said as he shool his head

"No loo-," he cut me off

"If you wanted to forget about us then why didn't you tell us? We wouldn't be looking everywhere for you," He said

he was pissed off

"Harry I just thought maybe trying to get away for a little while would make me forget him," I said

"And forget about us!" Harry yelled

"Harry liste-,"

"No you listen to me Vicky was depressed for days and so was Sabrina they were looking for you, they called you, message you but you didn't answer," He said

"Harry where is she," I asked him

"She's somewhere far away from you," He said as he started to walked away

"And don't try to even call us or find us because we moved on," He said

"Harry wait," I said as I ran up to him

I touched his shoulder making him spin around

"What!" He yelled

I stod there and said "Friendship means to always be together ans together means forever,".

He sighed and walked away

I turned around to see Ryan was behind me

"Baby are you okay,"

"I think I just lost all my friends," I said as I felt a tear run down my cheek

I just wanted to make a short chapter for you guys and REMEMBER I'M GIVING OUT SHUT OUTS FOR THE ONES WHO VOTE OR COMMENT:)

so please



~Stef Xx ««««««»»»»»»

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