Chapter 59 Bring me back

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Well this is chapter 59 Enjoy!

------Stephany pov------

I woke up in a dark place. Everythings dark & cold. I looked around to see where I was but all I can see is trees surronding me. I felt lost it felt as if I was dreaming but in reality I'm not, I can feel. I was alone at night standing there waiting for something to happen, as if I was waiting for hell to come. I then started to walk down making noise from the branches I steped on.

I felt like as if I had walked for miles now, as I got nearer to the end of the wood. As I did I had walked down to see many houses. I spoted the apartments where my bestfriends and I lived in.

I ran towards it opening the glassy door & walked in. I ran up the stairs towards out apartment door 36B. I searched for my key but I didn't find it anywhere my pocket. I decided to turn the knob to see if it was open and it was. I walked inside to see everyone there.

They had tears running down there face there eyes were swollen .

"Why are you guys crying," I asked but no one turned around to look at me all they did was stare at the white wall as they sat in the couch.

Nobody had listen to me. "Why are you guys ignoring me," I said but once again they ignored me. I then heard someone say "Why is it cold in here," I truned to look at Sabrina who was shivering.

"I don't know," Said Harry

Everyone was now wiping the tears they had and started to look around

I spotted Zayn

I walked up to him

"Zayn," I said but all he did was stare stright at me.

"I can't believe this," Vicky said

She started to cry once again

"What's going on," I said

But no one responded to my question

I walked up to Vicky

"Victoria stop ignoring me," I said as I tried to grab her hand as my hand went ontop of hers

She then removed it "I felt something cold on my hand Harry," She said as she started to look around

"Could she be here," Asked Harry

I looked around for Niall but I didn't see him anywhere

"Why can't anyone see me," I whisperd to myself

And that's when it all came back to me

Everyone is crying, they are cold ever since I came in here. Am I dead?

I then heard a door open and that's when I saw Niall walk in with someone behind him.

It was a girl. She had tanish skin, wavy black hair, and dark brown eyes. She was stareing right at me.

"You said she had Dark brownish eyes and dark brown hair right?" She asked Niall

Niall nodded his head

"She's here right now," As she nodded my way

"You can see me," I askes her

"Yeah of course I can i'm a witch," She said as she started to walk towards me

"What's going on?" I asked her

She looked back at Niall who was looking at her

"Honey your dead," She said

"I know that already I just found out when I walked in her," I said as I sighed

"I'm going to try to revive you but there's somethings I need to go over," She said

"Okay," I said

"Once I revive you.....Your back to being human and when you do you would be able to see the dead," she said

I looked at her "What do you mean I would be able to see the dead?" I asked her

"When someone dies they are going to go through you which means your their resource to them, Which mean when they go through you they'll go to the light and when they do you'll feel their pain they went through," She said

I looked at her and looked at Niall

"He brought me here to see if I can bring you back to life and I can but if you don't then I don't mind you can stay here while no one can see you but except the bad," she said

"What do you meam by bad," I asked her

"The ones who dies and comes here would be tortured by the ones who had once was a vampire," She said

And that's when I made up my mind

"Just bring me back already," I said

I looked around to see everyome staring at the lady who was staring at me

She then grabed some candles.she had in her bag and set it around us.

She then walked back to me into the circle she grabed my hands and looked at me

"Do it," I whisperd and that's when she started to say the spell

The candles lighted up as she whisperd words I felt wind blowing into us as darkness started to take me over.

Omg I updated early for you guys this is your EARLY CHRISTMAS PRESENT FOR YOU ALL!!! Anyways I'll make an A/N when I had ended the story
But anyways



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