chapter6 The text

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after breakfast zayn dropped me off to my apartment.

i went to open the door but instead of me opening it,it was sabrina &vicky

"why didnt you answer your text messages" vicky said

"i was out with a friend " i said

"you mean boyfriend" sabrina said

"didnt i telk you at the club who i went with?."

"no you just left without us knowing".

"well did i tell you that i left with zayn an--

"YOU WHAT omg did you fuck him tell me what happend !"sabrina & vicky said at the same time.

"i was going to tell you what happend but you guys cut me off but back to the story well i saw my ex niall."

"wait you ustue go out with niall?."

"yes in the old days but he broke up with me because he thought being far away from each other wouldnt work out but  well when i left thw club with him we went to his house and we mostly did it and in the mornig we went for breakfast and then we mostly hung out for a while." i said

i looked at both of them they were speechless

"YOU FUCKED HIM OMG OH WAS HE "vicky said she looked so exited at what i was going to say

"i dont rememebr but i woke up sore and im kind of still sore but yea". i said i looked at them they were shocked ..

"so how about niall dis he see you?"
"yeah" i said
"what did he say?'vicky said
"that i wasnt the one after all that i was just a one stander that only fucks guys" i said my eyes were getting watery
"what did you say"sabrina said
"i told him aleast im not the one that writes letters that say i want to break up with you and then go out with an other girl the very next day." i said
"aleast you said something"vicky said
"true" sabrina said
i then felt my phone vibrate
i then took my phone out of mt pocket it was a private message hmm i wounder who it is so then i the opend the message

stay away from niall he not yours to be around with if you dont their will be consicuences dont tell nethier niall or zayn or the boys about this ethier go that?. (dont know how to spell that) ~anymonus

it seemed like i was in a pretty little liers with all this drama.

but i was shocked at who send me this but i think i already know who it is Demi...


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