chapter5 That morning

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ill try to put some drama in this so i hope you like this chapter.

i woke up i felt so sore down their oww i dont know why i looked under the blankets to see myself naked "what"?. how did i - i cut my thinking to see zayn from starbucks sitting next me stareing at me

"i think yiu might want to lay back" he said
"why" i said
"you dont remember right"?.

i looked at him with a thinking face

"nope" i said

"well we had sex" without any emotion

"what!" i said
"we ha-

i cut him off
"i know what you said but did you know i was a fucken virgin did you use protection" i said

"of course i did im not that stupid" he said laughing at the same time

i tried to get up my legs were also sore so i kinda fell on the ground naked

"oww" i said

zayn got up and helped me up i looked up to see him naked

"ewww" i said

he smiled and said " aww you dont like the view ."

i just smiled at how cheesy he was  "maybe" i mumbled

he laughed he went to his closet and got out a shirt and some boxers "here you go princess" he said

"well thank you prince " i said

we both laughes at each other cheesy lines

i thought he would be one of those people who will just make the girl leave and make them as just a one night stander.

"hey can i have your number" he said

"umm sure here give me your phone ". i said he gave me his phone and i wrote my number in their and wrote as my name as (The princess) he looked at it and he laughed at the name i gaved myself

"can i write my number in your phone too?." he said

i smiled

"yes you can" i said

i gaved him my phone he typed in his number.

he gave it back to me i looked at it it said (the prince) i laughed.

"hey you wanna go get breakfast?." zayn said

"umm sure" i said
he was looking for  some shorts so i can wear because i didnt want to wear the boxers. "hey can i use your bathroom" i said
"yeah you go downstairs and go to the left." he said

looking for some shorts.

i opend the door and walked down the hall way as i was looking i was looking at some pictures of his mates liam,louis,niall,harry.

as i was looking i bumped into someone and i fell down

"owww" i said i looked up to see who it was

it was niall

i tryed to get up but then i couldnt i rememberd about the sore i had down their.

"damm it" i said

then niall tryed to help me

"here let me ."help he said

"im fine i can get up myself". i said

i got up and tryed to leave to the bathroom

but he the grabed my arm

"how did you get in here"he said
" none of your search it their." i snapped at him
"why are you being mean to me". he said
"why are you getting in my bussines." i said

he was looking at me with hate

"you were here with zayn right?." he said

"and so what your not my father to tell me who i can be with or not so let my hand go." i said

he let my hand go

"you got your girl and i got mine so you can leave me alone". i said
"you know when i went out with you i thought you were special to me but then when i went out with demi i realize that you were never the i realized you've been fucking other guys just like a one stander." he said

those words stung me i wad about to let those tears go but i sucked it in

"at least im not the one who writes letters and writes i want to break up with you and then go out with someone else the very next say"i said

i looked at him he was speechless and with that i went to go look for the bathroom. after i found the bathroom i went to zayns room. he was dressed up to go eat.

"so did you find those shorts?." i said
"no but i found some jeans that might fit you." he said smiling at the end

i smiled at him he is so cute

"its alright i'll wear them."

and with that we left to go eat...

-------------------------------------------------- well i hope you liked this i tryed my best to make a drama part but yeah hope you liked it


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