The begining of the end

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         It all started on a normal Friday. Everything was perfect and then all the countries of the world declared nuclear war against each other. The war was raged for 10 years strong and then it was over as quick as it began. Now the world is a living hell. All the radiation from the world took their effect on the planet and its inhabitants. Most died from exposure to radiation others mutated. Hawaii and everything around it whether land or water was turned into a volcanic area with dried lava as the new ground and each volcano erupts weekly on different days at different times. Certain parts of the world are now ruled by the elements. Some are always snowing and is covered in snow or ice and some stay day forever and some stay night forever. And these shadow demon things showed up and terrorized the world. But when all hope was lost a group of six raised from the darkness and kept what ever peace was left. They were the destined generation that take back the world from hell.

The elementals legacyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora