The awakening

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     Cody frozen with fear as he just watched his friends get defeated in less than a few minutes. He summoned his corrupted minions from his pocket dimension and they scavenged the group. They dragged Riley out of the crater, fished Ben out of the sewers, got Jake out of the river that was now thawing out, pried Seth out of a building wall, and dug Will out of the crumbled building. They all went back to base to recuperate.
1 year later
Will woke up with a jump start. He had bandages on his head and around his chest. He had a huge head ache and went outside to see where he was. He was greeted by Seth who also had bandages wrapped around his chest, Riley who had bandages on his chest and arms, Ben with bandages on his head, and Jake with bandages on his chest and arms. Cody was sitting to the side with not a single scratch on him but they all looked happy to see Will. "What happened?" Will asked. "What happened.....what happened was we got our asses handed to us." Jake said. "You got the worst of it we woke up within a few hours you on the other hand have been in a coma for an entire year know." Ben said with concern. "Yeah we all thought you weren't gonna pull through." Seth said. "Yeah you have a descent concussion and a few broken ribs but thats about it." Riley explained. "A whole year? Damn he must have hit me pretty hard." Will said noticing he had long hair from not cutting it for a year. "Actually it wasn't him that hit you. You came crashing down from space and hit a building head first and you went through the entire building and after that it came down on top of you." Cody explained. "How many floors?" Will asked as a joke. "About ten." Cody answered. "Ten? How am I still alive?" Will asked confused. "Well if we treated your injuries a second later then you would've been dead." Jake said grimly. "Yeah, just be glad Cody's minions got to you in time." Ben put in. "Thanks Cody. See I told you he has potential!" Will said with enthusiasm.
Few minutes later
Will walked back outside with newly cut hair and he said "Now let's go show that kid he shouldn't take us lightly!" Will said with annoyance.

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