Reuniting on questionable terms

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      They got back to the base deep in the woods on a mountain by Seattle. It was always raining in Seattle and almost the entire city was alive so nothing really changed there. Will and Riley walked inside to find the new recruit fixing the teleports. "Is that him?" Riley asked "Yeah that's him alright." Will replied. "What's you name and power noob?" Riley asked. "I'm Cody and my power is dark matter" Cody replied with respect. "Dark matter? I would knowing that I would expect Ben to be recruiting and training him" Riley said interested in this "Yeah well when or if we get Ben to rejoin our ranks then he can take over his training and I won't have to do it." Will explained. At that moment Jake Seth and Ben walked in and they all looked unsettled about something. "About that, I kinda already contacted them telling them what was going down" Cody said. "When did you do that?" Will asked annoyed. "As soon as you left to get Riley" Cody replied. "Well anyway why were we told to come back here?" Ben asked  "Yeah and why were we summoned by a recruit instead of you Will?" Jake asked. "What's the problem now?" Seth asked sarcastically. "There is a new power wielder other than Cody. I've looked into it and he has the power of gravity and is around the same age as us. His name is Zero. He has Snow White hair, a black leather jacket, black jeans, and classy combat boots. He's easy to find seeing that he stands out from the rest." Will explained "So what, are we going to recruit him?" Seth asked "That's the plan. Will replied with a smirk.

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