The meeting goes horribly wrong

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      They made it to Manhattan, New York. Which is where Zero was last seen. "Alright spread out. Keep your eyes to the skies and ears to the ground. We have to find him as soon as possible." Will ordered. "Alright let's go!" Seth screamed with enthusiasm. "Wait you said he had white hair right?" Ben asked. "Yeah, so what?" Jake asked curiously. "Then I've already found him and he is coming right for us." Ben said cautiously. Sure enough Zero was making a b-line for them. "Hello, we would like to know if you would join our group to hold the remaining peace." Will said. "Wow! I was going to ask that guy the same thing." Zero said while pointing at Cody. "Why Cody?" Riley asked. "Because he's part of my generation. The "new" generation of power wielders." Zero said with a smirk."Sorry but I'm with them." Cody replied. "What s shame that your wasting you talents with these people." Zero said while making eye contact with everyone one after another. "Look I know about the new generation but please join us we can help you strengthen your powers." Will encouraged. "Zero I'm already stronger than all of you and I'll prove it." Zero said grimly. "GET READY!" Cody screamed. At that moment everything got really heavy. Zero reversed kicked Seth and he flying through three buildings and got stuck to the wall of the fourth. "STOP THIS!" Riley screamed in anger. He flew up at Zero and tries to punch him but before he could Zero increase the gravity around Riley by 60 and Riley flew straight down and made a twenty foot deep crater. Will sucker punch Zero and he turned around and screamed "Your the one with fire right? I've heard you survived many fights by using your strength and your mind, so let's see you survive this!" at that moment he relieved all the gravity around Will and he went shooting off into space. "Your insane!" Jake yelled. Zero punch Jake and Jake went flying into a building. He got up but only to be met by a leg kicking him in the face and he flew into the Hudson River. A column of water flew up like a geyser and made an arc only to crash back in the water and the entire river froze and Jake broke the surface under the arc only to pass out half way out of the water. Ben tried to kick Zero but he anticipated it and force he gravity to slam Ben into the ground and made him fly into the sewer. Cody made horrifying eye contact with Zero and all Zero did was just say "I'll let you live only because I know you'll make the right choice to join me when the time comes." And with that the gravity intensified and brought Cody down to his knees. Will tried desperately to get air as he flew higher into space and he couldn't  use his fire to propel himself back to earth because there was no oxygen. Zero left and all his gravity attacks were dispersed and Will plummeted back to earth. Cody watched helplessly as Will hurdled down burning up in the atmosphere and crashed down into a building head first and as he hit the ground floor the entire building came down on him.

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