The hunt begans

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It's been five years since the group went their separate ways after an argument about who was the best. Riley was on the case hunting a shadow wolf that had be terrorizing his home town Mechanicsville which surprisingly still had a population. The siting was at his old high school, Hanover high school, and everyone, teachers and students, were crowded outside and the what was left of the swat team were making a wall so no one could get in. Riley snuck in through the one door the swat team wasn't guarding. He heard the beast in the gym so that's where he started heading. "Damn, this place is creepy with that demonic roar. Better keep on guard." With that Riley summoned his armor with a booming thunder. BOOM! His armor started overloading the lights and they began to shatter as he walked through the hall. The Lightning arced down his legs to his heels and they were connecting to the floor. Riley reached the gym and the lights were flickering from his power. " Where is it, it should be in here. I have to catch it before it escapes." Then it jumped him and knocked Riley across the gym. Riley screamed "Holy mother of fuck!" The demon pounced on Riley and in a split second the sky lights in the gym shattered and Will flew in upside down with lava spewing across the floor and had his mini guns out and was shooting the beast. He landed in a roll and looked at his work. The wolf was on the floor bleeding it's black blood. " What the hell are you doing here!" Riley said angrily. " Your still holding a grudge against me? Come on dude it's been 5 years for God's sake." Will replied " I came to make amends we need to get the group back together, are you in?" "You know me, of course I am." Riley said with excitement.

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