A Small Note

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This is a thank you. Not apart of the story.
First- Rysen, alternates between the two.

"Hey, Rain, guess what?!"

"Oh, what is it Rysen?"

"Guess, you fox!"

"What are you so happy about? Shouldn't you be working?"

"Rain... You're not being fun.. Come on be enthusiastic."

"First off, I don't know what enthusiastic means.. Secondly, I don't know why you're wanting me to be so."

"We've reached one thousand plus readers!!! We've reached one k!!"

"We what!!"

"One thousand total views!"

"Rysen, that's amazing! I never expected us to get this far!"


"I mean.. I knew we could do it!"

"This calls for celebration! Crack the wine, the totally not sparkling wine because we're underaged!"

"Ugg, this thing is old.."

"I got it in preparation, Rain.. Don't ruin the moment.."

Together- "Three! Two! One! Cheeeeeeers!"

Rain tilts her fourth cup down, "Hehehe, you know Ry- (hick) sen.. In the short time I've known you.. I'm beginning to (hick) see you as a cutie.." The rosy cheeks shine bright.

"Rain, I don- (hick) think I got sparkling.."

"Oh who cares, we're seventeen! (Hick) Come here you dumb boy. I wanna snuggle.

"Ok, only for (hick) little.."

Rysen attempts to stand only to stubble over to Rain, who leaned against the wall to hold herself up from a fall. She reaches up to the wobbly boy with fully extended arms. Rysen falls into them, leaning his head against her chest. She embraces him tightly.

"Rysen, you'r- (hick) so bold."

"Shut up you perverted vixen.. I'm trying to sleep."

"Ok.. Nighty nigh- (hick)"

The next day...

A screech resonates throughout the air, "What are you doing!!!!!!"


Hope you enjoyed this little... Project.. I would like to thank the extensive amount of readers for the story. In no way was I expecting this, I anticipated maybe 100-400 readers max. I thank each and every one that took the time to read my story that holds horrid writing. Hope you follow and enjoy your time here.

Seeker and Spiritजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें