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"You're a Wizard Harry!"


     Ara was running as fast as her new legs could carry her. She realized she was getting tired, and looked behind her to check for her newly made Enemies. She sat down and leaned against a large oak tree. She made heavy breaths, and was easy to hear. But the louder the breaths, the faster she could regain energy. She got up and started running again. She didn't know what else to so, but didn't want to waste time. She heard male voices speaking ahead. Her pace slowed down as she listened to hear what the voices were saying.

"Shut up, Laurance!" a man with blue hair yelled.

"What? I was just reminding you of the time when y-"


Ara looked for a way to get around them unseen, but it was a very open valley up ahead.

Ara looked for a way to get around them unseen, but it was a very open valley up ahead

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 She gave up, and decided to just walk in front of them and just not say a word. She scurried across the valley.

"Wait? Is that a ..GIRL?" The Blue one said.

"Wait up!" The Blue one yelled. Ara froze, she didn't want to run, because then she would seem like an enemy, and she already had some. She turned to the opposite direction of the three men, so they couldn't see her face.

"What is a gorgeous young lady like yourself doing ou~" 

"Laurance! That isn't a nice way to introduce us to the girl!" The Blue Haired man flicked him in the head. Ara sighed and turned around and looked at the two men. They were attractive, but let's leave it at that. She didn't even know the guys. The men froze and stared at her.

"What? Is there something on my face? Is there something behind me?" Ara looked around.

"N-No.." They said in unison and blushed.

"Where exactly am I?" Ara asked.

"You are in a valley, not to far from the village." The Dirty-Blonde one said. "I wouldn't mind if you came over for a bit." He winked.

"Which Village?"

"Phoenix Drop."

"Of Course."

"Where are our manners? I'm Laurance, and this is Dante!" Ara just smiled.

"What's your name?"

"Oh, um..Ara.."

"What a pretty name for an even prettier girl.." Laurance said with, yet another wink. Ara rolled her eyes.

"I better get going now, Bye!" Ara ran off into the woods.

~Sorry for short chapter! I'm REALLY tired, and busy! I just Started Season 2, and MY LIFE IS OVER! Garroth Senpai! NUUUU! Ahem.. Anyway this story is going to take place during season 1. Bai!~

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