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Zayn thumbed through the newspaper adverts, looking through the rental section as he waited for the webpage on his laptop to load. He was currently sat in an overcrowded cafe, sponging wifi like everyone else. Considering the amount of people there, the phrase "high speed", wasn't well known.

But hey, it was free and if he waited long enough his browser would eventually load. So in Zayn's mind the 20 minute trek there was worth it, it was just one less thing he'd need to pay for. And money was tight, extremely tight.

As in kleenex were considered multi-purposeful in his eyes, meaning it was his toilet paper, napkin, regular tissue for nose blowing and used for cleaning up any spills in the kitchen or anywhere else around the flat.

To say Zayn was a man on a budget would be an understatement.

The place he was currently renting had shit renters, they've managed to jack up the rent twice in the last 3 months — bumping $100 more onto the original price each time. And there's no doubt the break-ins happening in the building were internal.

So he needed out, which was difficult on his lack of income at the moment. Zayn was a tattoo artists but like most artists there's times where you're hot and times where you're not, and this was Zayn's off season — winter. But luckily spring was literally weeks away, so ideally things would pick up again and he could move the hell out of that pit he currently calls home.

"You son of a —" he went to curse aloud when he'd thought the page had completely shut down due to a loss of internet connection, but instead went black for a second and loaded the page instantly afterwards.

Zayn scrolled through the listings, finding a wider variety and seemingly affordable places as long as his work picked back up again. After 20 minutes of skimming listings, only one towards the bottom had managed to catch his eye.

'Large, spacious 2 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath house w/open back garden'

He reluctantly clicked the link, knowing it would take probably another 5-10 minutes before it even loaded but considering it was the only listing that had caught his eye. He wanted to give it a look anyways, choosing to poke around on his phone whilst he waited for the screen to load the new page. And 5 minutes later, it did.

'I'm looking for a housemate, my parents own the property — I rent from them and I'm looking for a housemate since there's an extra room I won't need, and don't want to waste.

My room is on the ground floor, the second is upstairs. We wouldn't share a bathroom because there's one on each level (attached to the bedrooms), and a half bathroom downstairs (shower, toilet and sink/no bathtub). We will have to share the main kitchen, living room and back garden area. 

Rent is negotiable upon meeting, contact me through my email ( and we can set up a showing of the house.'

Zayn checked to see when the listing was posted, noticing it was only published 22 hours ago and quickly grabbed his phone. Opening his own email on the small screen, glancing back at the screen to copy the contact email and typed out a short meeting request. Feeling slightly accomplished once he had poked send, hearing the swoosh of the email being sent off.

The email that could change his current situation, the email that unknowingly did change his future situation as well. Closing his laptop and shoving it back into his satchel, packing the rest of his things up and started the walk back halfway across town. Hoping to get some sort of response within the week, and hopefully move out within the month.


Short, sweet little prologue. Fingers crossed it's enough to hook some of you into commenting and wanting more! I'm really wanting to write this, I feel like it's the first good story I've thought of in a long while. I mean one that doesn't have a family dynamic. This will be more fun, flirty and possibly smutty (at some point).

Any and all feedback would be appreciated!! **

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