Chapter 1

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I'm not busy the 10th of this month, if you can I'm available to show the house that afternoon (around 12:15pm). Just give me a call/text and let me know if things work on your end.

To answer your question about rent, it's affordable ($650 with utilities & wifi included) but the price can also be negotiated if needed.

- H. Styles

Zayn skimmed through the email, getting the idea that the renter might be significantly older than himself based on the writing and word choices. But in this case that would be a good thing, considering the place he lives now is crawling with shifty people — renters included.

It'd definitely be a change to live somewhere where he didn't feel the need to always be watching his back when coming in late, and he'd have his own wifi connection. No more walking 20 minutes to an overcrowded cafe with an ancient connection.

He pulled up the calendar on his phone, noticing the 10th was tomorrow and that would work out perfectly because he didn't have an appointment at the tattoo shop until 1:45pm, so he had plenty of time to stop by the house and have a look. And when he checked the address of the house, he realized it was only a 10 minute walk from the shop.

Giving him further motivation on setting up the showing. So when he got a confirmation text back, he was stoked for the following afternoon. And when the time came, he made a point to arrive on time — considering typically he was running behind.

Which is why being a tattoo artist was an ideal job because he could make his own schedule and most shops didn't even open until 12 o'clock in the afternoon. And if they did, it was by appointment only. Allowing Zayn to come and go whenever he wanted and shape his work schedule to his liking.

He walked up the front pathway and knocked on the door, waiting a couple seconds before he decided to ring the buzzer as well. When he did he could hear footsteps across what sounded to be wood flooring.

"Hi — Zayn Maleak?" A taller curly haired guy answered the door, Zayn guessed by his physical features and appearance they were probably the same age or at least close in age.

Zayn smiled, reaching forward to shake his hand. "Malik, Zayn Malik — yeah. You're..?"

"Harry Styles," he smiled showing a mouth of perfectly straight teeth. "Come in, I'll show you the house."

Zayn stepped inside, immediately noticing the house was spotless and a lot larger on the inside than expected. When the listing said "large/spacious" Zayn hadn't taken it seriously because a lot of places he'd looked at said the same thing but in reality was no bigger than a child's classroom.

He glanced around as Harry stopped to talk about the house and how his parents own the place, only Harry doesn't live for free. He pays the exact same amount Zayn would be paying.

On the left was an open living room, there was a large horse shoe shaped couch facing a wall that had a massive flat screen mounted on it. There was a laptop, set up at a desk in the corner and an expensive looking sound system — complete with surround sound for the stereo and television.

On the right was the dinning room that lead to the kitchen, although you could've walked further down the hallway and ran into the kitchen on your right. The dinning room was simple but the kitchen was stainless steel everything, granite countertops with a huge island in the center.

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