Chapter 4

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Harry went downstairs around 7 o'clock as usual, having finished his morning bathroom routine and went to make some breakfast before he needed to leave. Yawning as he walked into the kitchen, instinctively switching the coffee pot on — only to realize it was already turned on and someone was in the kitchen.

"Harry, right?" The brunette cheekily smirked as he stood cupping the heated mug of coffee, not having forgot last nights events.

He nodded, dumping out the chilled coffee and started the process over. "You're Zayn's.." Harry trailed off, unsure of what he was meant to call him. Despite Zayn saying they weren't anything but friends, their actions suggested otherwise.

"Don't get any ideas mate," Louis laughed as he took a slow drink from the mug. "We just fuck, that's it."

Harry nearly choked on his silva, momentarily forgetting how to swallow — which is something none of Zayn's mates seem to have a problem with remembering.

"Zayn's got a nice cock and I've got an arse that needs discipline," he shrugged nonchalantly. "You can't tell me you haven't thought about it, I mean the first time I saw Zayn's cock I nearly came."

"I don't — um — I haven't.." Harry stammered, loosing his words completely and tried to focus on the cereal he was pouring into a bowl. "We're roommates."

Louis laughed, going and setting his empty mug in the sink. "You've got to loosen up, stammering like that will only make Zayn —"

"Make Zayn, what?" A voice in the doorway interrupted.

"Nothing," Louis smiled.

"Louis your boyfriend has been blowing up your phone the last 15 minutes, might want to get home to lover boy." Zayn stated as he tossed Louis his phone, "Morning Harry."

Harry slightly nodded, going back to keeping his eyes on his cereal bowl. "Morning."

"Brilliant, now that it's sufficiently awkward —" Louis halfheartedly clapped his hands together once he had tucked his phone into his pocket, "I'll see you later Zayn. Harry... Bye."

They both stayed silent as they subconsciously listened to Louis, walk down the hallway and out the front door. Harry finished up his breakfast, rinsing the bowl and spoon before he placed it into the dishwasher. And Zayn grabbed himself some coffee, leaning back against the counter.

Watching Harry's movements, noticing he was still avoiding complete eye contact. Which was more than amusing to Zayn, because exactly how innocent was Harry?

"You're a virgin aren't you?" Zayn blurted, not being able to keep his thoughts to himself any longer and said what was on his mind.

Harry coughed, clearing his throat. "What — no. I just don't have sex around the house."

"You've never had sex outside of a bedroom?" He questioned, completely intrigued with the topic now. "Like ever?"

"No, why would I?" Harry shook his head with a shrug, not seeing any logic in having sex anywhere but a bed. Mostly because the thought of having sex anywhere else seemed like it would be awkward, uncomfortable and unsanitary.

Zayn laughed, shaking his head as he took a sip of his coffee. "You're such a prude."

"I am not," he immediately protested, closing the dishwasher and giving him a more than slightly offended look.

"The hell you are, I saw the way you looked at us last night." Zayn reminded, "And the time before that. You're a prude and you know it but you're too much of a prude to admit to being a prude."

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