Chapter 5

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Zayn had been sat up in his bedroom the last few hours, working on various sketches for a couple clients — desperately needing to narrow down a few drawings before his scheduled sessions that where quickly approaching on Monday. But it was the weekend and his motivation for anything work related, was lacking. More so his creativity felt blocked.

Which gave him the grand idea to invite a couple mates over and have a small kickback, knowing Harry wouldn't be home anytime soon because of some weekend training the school he worked for has sent him on. Zayn being Zayn, completely disregarded the rules that were in place between the two roommates and started texting people the house address. Almost instantly getting positive responses.

Within an hour, the house was absolutely packed with people. Drunk, loud and disorderly people that were most definitely touching anything and everything they could get their hands on — including Harry's signed limited edition of his most prized novel.

Zayn wasn't exactly being the best host, choosing to turn a blind eye to a lot of things because he really only cared about hanging out with his true mates. Liam, Louis and Niall — everyone else was extra and Zayn honestly hadn't the slightest clue how they even got invited but he wasn't too concerned with the excess of people.

"Your roommate would shit himself if he were here right now," Liam commented with a laugh, taking a drink from the beer bottle in his hands.

Louis laughed, "Yeah, where is the little librarian tonight?"

"He's an English professor," Zayn corrected with an amused head shake. "And he's at some teaching — learning, conference thing. I don't know exactly but he said he wouldn't be home until late."

They started laughing once Louis cracked a joke about Harry again, making fun of his nerdy, 40-year old virgin profession. "Oi, you know that isn't true. I'm sure Harry has very meaningful, passionate missionary sex." Zayn assured, managing to keep himself from laughing.

Once again they busted out in laughter, continuing to poke fun of Harry's assumed mediocre and predictable sex life. Zayn hadn't even noticed how late it had become, only realizing the time when he saw Harry angrily marching towards them in the back garden.

"What happened to no parties?" Harry snapped angrily.

He shrugged, "This isn't a party, it's a gathering of close mates."

Harry looked around, not recognizing any of them people expect for the 3 faces he'd become familiar with seeing around the house over the last 2 weeks. "Do you even know these people though or did you just let strangers into our house?"

"Our," Zayn raised an eyebrow. "Meaning I do what I want and you buzz off to your bedroom."

"Oh believe me, I tried." He snapped back, "But there's two people fornicating on my silk sheets and they refuse to leave!" Harry shouted, gesturing back towards the house.

"I bet if you stood there and watched, they'd leave." Louis spoke up, "But then again, if they're anything like us — which they probably are, they'll be into it." He smirked, knowing Harry had managed to walk in on each of them with Zayn at one point or another.

He pulled a face, annoyed with Louis' comments. "That's mature, you'd get along great with most of my students. I'm sure you've got the same mental capacity to understand one another's feeble humor."

"You're such a little c—" Louis started to stand up and protest but Zayn placed himself between them, knowing if things came to a fight Harry had a better chance than Louis because of his stature.

"Parties over, get the fuck out!" Zayn shouted loudly, catching people's attention and surprisingly they all started wandering through the side gate or back through the house and to the front door. "I'll call you boys later," he looked back at the 3 men behind him.

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