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If anyone dared to ask me how college was treating me, I'd literally tell them like shit but then again, beside the weeks of hour long study and work sessions, it threw him at me. I didn't want to think of him as a reward for barely keeping up but something about him sparked my recompense receiver in my mind and I was going to retrieve whatever it was.

His name was Bernard Hinson and he moved from the states to here in England to come to the University of the Arts of London or UAL. He was 6'5',  African-American, and had a nappy tampered cut if thick hair. His major was film and production and acting and ironically those were mine as well. We had all of the same classes and often saw each other off campus as we were interested in some of the same things but we've never bumped into each other. Sitting in the back, he would always take notes, never ask questions and always pass everything but never spoke. 

He was strange but I supposed it was because I hadn't begun to know him, yet. Maybe, after the three weeks that've passed, its my time to propose and introduction. Since I realized he was always to class early, I conducted a perfect plan that in my head would never fail me.

Stalking in, I looked around and there he was as usual, in the back with his face in his phone. Smirking, I clutched the essay in my hand and acted as if I needed to turn it in as soon as yesterday like it was a late assignment and looked around in search of the professor.

"Excuse me but have you seen Mr. Davidson? I've got to turn this paper in, pronto." I asked, hoping he would hear my voice over the one earbud he wore in his ear like a woman would wear her diamond ring.

"Nah." He shook his head slowly lifting his baby-like face to see me then dropping it back down to focus on his phone.

"Thanks, I guess." I sighed, then went with whatever would come into my mind as a next move. "Say, why do you show up so early to class? You ever heard of a snooze button?" I questioned then joked, making my way through the aisle up and over to him, leaning on the desk in front of him.

"You're welcome, because I do and no." He replied and didn't blink or attempt to make eye contact which bothered me a bit but then again I was the one probably vexing him.

"Mhm, I take it you don't talk much, eh?" I raised an eyebrow, slyly grinning as he put his phone down and locking it then looking at me, he smirked.

"Why talk when actions speak louder than words. Your name is?" He reached out for a hand-shake and I took it.

"Abra, but what do you mean by that?" I asked, confused as to what that had to do with just having your day to day normal conversation.

"Nice, Bernard Hinson and come here." He motioned for me to lean in closer to him with his index finger and I did as I was told until his mouth was near my ear.

"Yeah?" I inquired, wondering what he was about to say and I never would of guess it either.

"I made you come here with one finger, imagine what I could do with two. . ." He started and as my heart stopped his voice trailed farther and farther into the back of my mind before becoming a figment of my imagination as I awoke to the bright sun in my eyes and a ringing phone that screamed for me to depart from my bed and an analog clock that sung and told of how late I was.

Curses! Another dream, again. I haven't actually done a thing to or with the guy and I was outraged at how my mind fooled me so easily. I would soon have to get revenge and make my dreams an actually reality. As soon as possible, too. Soon enough to  be today.


Its about five a.m. and I'm laying in bed know that I have to be on campus in an hour; I'll get up in a couple minutes. "Love A N*gga" by Elhae played softly throughout the surround sound television speaker in my room, the bass vibrating off of boxes I've yet to unpack and soothed the silent movies that flashed throughout my mind of class. I've only been in England for a couple weeks and've already picked an interest in someone and after three weeks of not talking to anyone, I need to ease this gluttonous appetite for a companion of whom I would like to be her.

Her name was Abra Hughes and she wasn't social, of all the classes we share, I've yet to hear a word slip from her lips. The desire to talk to her was not only because I yearned to have a friend to talk to at my new school but to connect with somebody on a deeper level. Her slim body didn't seem to attract many of the boys here but me and she didn't really interact with any of the female body in any of the class we had together so I didn't have much competition and should be able to acquire her attention with no problem.

When my alarm went off for the umpteenth time, I finally got up and grabbed my bag, already showered, dressed and fed for school. Walking I rehearsed words I probably want really going to say in my mind, my Mack game wasn't all of that but I knew a couple tricks any dog could learn the only thing was I wasn't a dog. If I like her I'll keep her and if not, its not to late to stay single. Anyways, with ten minutes to spare, I was in class by myself and on my phone as always before anyone else or so I thought.

"Hey, you're Bernard Hinson, right?" An unfamiliar voice inquired as a hand reached out in front of me and she was its owner.

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