Caught Up

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I couldn't believe my ears, my mom just kept saying hello but I was too speechless to reply so assuming that I hung up, she hung up. There before me stood someone I thought I would never see or heard about unless they were on the news for being arresting for harassment. Her original name given to her was Doja (dough-ja) Rodriguez and we actually used to be the best of friends but that was up until high school.

From Kindergarten to the eleventh grade we were like brother and sister and each other's bestest friend in the whole wide world. That's really all I ever wanted to be, just friends, but she wanted more and I was too focused on my obsession with filming to pay her any mind. I would be in the middle of a project and she would show up, try to kiss me and seduce me into other sexual acts.

The more and more that occurred, the less and less I wanted to be around her because I just didn't see her that way and one day I told her that. We were talking in my room on my bed after I invited her over and I paused the video game we were playing and after I said how I felt because I was still a virgin, she was heated. She got extremely pissed off and started slapping me in my face, remind you we're in my house, so my mom over course came in and pulled her off of me.

She was kicking and screaming about how much she hated me and how she thought that we were always going to be closer as friends than other people. How she loved me and how now that she knew how I felt and I was so called playing with her feelings that whole time, she would make sure she ruined my life like I had ruined hers. At first, I thought it was just a one time reaction and she didn't really mean what she said but then she started to follow me around where ever I went, once tried to run me over and even planted a knife and weed in my book bag so I'd get suspended from school but it wasn't until this next thing happened that I put a restraining order on her.

One night, I had an extra long drama club practice afterschool so when I came home it was nine o'clock and my mom had already gone to her second job so I had to make myself pizza rolls and drink Kool-Aid for dinner before showering, doing my homework and going to bed. That night, the air conditioner wouldn't cut on for some reason so I slept in my boxers and went to sleep with my lights off and my bedroom window open.

Shortly after I had fallen asleep, I was awakened by my light being turned on and she was standing next to my bed side. By now, my hands were tied to the bars on my headboard and she had taken of my boxers so I was fully naked. She made me watch her get undressed and said that if I didn't, she'd kill me. I kept telling her to untie me and leave me alone but she ignored me, proceeding to undress herself and climb on top of me. I was screaming for her to stop but there was no one home but me and she kept kissing me for me to shut up but I kept yelling for somebody to help me.

Luckily, the neighbors called the police and they kicked the door in and came in my room, finding out what she was doing to me and they took her to jail. I was scared, being raped by my former best friend, a girl at that and being seventeen years old but not being able to stop her had me sleeping in my mom's room until I graduated from high school. Although I knew what she did to me and how serious of a crime it was, I didn't press charges because I didn't want to see her go to jail but I did get a restraining order so she would stay away from me.

Even after that though, she continued to harass me. She kept sneaking out of her house and banging on my bedroom window when I finally did feel comfortable to go back in there and telling me to let her in until the window broke. Then, when I went to college at ACU, she followed me around campus and tried to kid nap me but that day a cop was watching and arrested her. That night was the night she got her only call at the police station and she told her mom she was going to rehabilitation but my mom didn't trust that and that's why I was transferred here.

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