Breaking Ice

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I've never driven home so fast in my life, looking at the clock on my nightstand as soon as I ran in, it read five twenty-three meaning that I had exactly two hours and thirty-seven minutes so I had to divide my time wisely. A fifteen minute shower, and thirty minute montage of changing through numerous outfits left me with an hour and seven minutes to go out and buy real roses from the campus flouriest all the way on the other side of campus then when I got back to my dorm room to brush my teeth, put on cologne, ...etc, I was left with forty five minutes and finally after that was done I had thirty minutes to get to her dorm room with was on the total opposite side from where mine was.

Driving about 85 which was many miles over the actual speed limit, I made it there in twenty five minutes and was at her dorm door on the fifth floor at the end of the hall in the next five. Checking my watch with my phone and roses in hand, I was relieved to see that it was seven fifty nine and as soon as it hit eight o'clock on the dot, I started to knock and her roommate opened the door.

"Hey, I'm Asha, Abra's roommate. You must be Bernard, I've heard so much about you." She looked at me and smiled, reaching out to shake your hand.

"All good I hope but nice to me you. Is she ready, yet?" I shook her hand, letting out the breathe I'd been holding in, I was extremely nervous and not able to play it off as well as before, scratching the back of my head.

"Not yet, but you can come in and make yourself comfortable." She directed me towards there living room where the couch, with the kitchen behind it, faced the wall where the television was along with a door which I assumed was Abra's room as I sat on the couch since Asha had disappeared into the room next to the kitchen.

About five minutes into Ren & Stimpy, I heard Abra's door unlock and open as I stood up, almost falling over in abruptness as the light on her revealed a white dress with royal blue cardinal flowers  scattered here and then. My jaw dropped and my eyes widened on the inside as I admired the shape and fitting of the dress and how it complimented her eyes with no-make up. She was giving me a beautiful garden of Eden look along with a close case heart attack but I didn't show it because the Mack finally click on.

"Sorry, I'm like the slowest person in the world." She giggled, she was just as nervous as I was again and it was cuter than puppies I swear.

"No problem, with how good you look right now, you can take all the time in the world if you want to." I smiled, handing her the bouquet of roses as I gave her a hug, she smelt so good that I honestly didn't want to let her go but to avoid looking weird I did.

"Aww, you're so sweet and you don't look too bad yourself. Tell me what you have on tonight, Mr. Hinson," She smiled as I stepped back a little bit to give her a little taste of the swag really quick.

"I rocking with the wolf grey's tonight, didn't go all out with the ripped slim jeans, you know, gotta keep it fitted and clean. Then, up to the shirt, I got the black Got Milk graphic tee and I had to go Samuel L. Jackson with the trench coat. Nothing special, just a little this and that, you feel me?" I chuckled, posing a couple times like a model, making her laugh and smile.

"I gotta give it to you, mama like." She grinned, biting her lip and lord knows it took all of me to not strip right now, I almost forgot that her roommate was here,

"Mhm, daddy like, too. Do a couple spins for me real quick." I chuckled, taking her hand and twirling her around in front of me as I licked my lips.

"You like it?" She tittered softly, twirling on the toes of her white Converses.

"I love it, and you smell good, too. Just rocking my world tonight already." I said as she came to a stop in front of me, looking up at me, her height of five-eight was nothing to me being six-four.

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