Stage 1

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Honestly, I didn't know what to say. I clenched my jaw as I nodded in response to her inquiry to keep it from dropping. She wore her white Nike hat to the back and her white crop top matched her white Tokyo Darling hi-waist jeans and high all white Converse. Her outfit on her thin slim body brought out her caramel macchiato skin tone. Her hair was straight down and carelessly laying on her shoulders, just pure perfection to me but I couldn't show that I was stricken by her, at leat not yet.

"You needed to know because--?" I let my voice trail off for her to finish the statement.

"Had no one to talk to so I figured I'd might as well talk to you." She looked everywhere else but at me, to my luck she was just as nervous as I was, I was just hiding it better. The sheer fact that I made her the slightest bit uneasy gave me an advantage but little did she know I was highly enticed by her accent and that alone made me, too, just as anxious and awkward as she was.

"You wanna talk to me or you just bored?" I licked my lips, finally looking up at her from my notebook and continued to attempt to keep myself contained.

"A little of both." She smirked, a smile cut at the corner of her lips as she pulled a seat up next to me and rested her head in her hand, focusing on me. "--so who are you?" she asked as I sat back n my seat.

"Besides my name, I just a kid from the states that likes photography, film and acting. I don't like people, could care less for some homies, I like French toast and I think cinnamon bun flavored Oreos are better than sex sometimes." I started, knowing that it'd make her at least cheese if I talked about random stuff and it did.

"Looks like we have a little in common. I'm surprised the girls here haven't bombarded you, yet." She giggled, lacing her fingers together on her knee.

"It's because I'm black." I busted out laughing and she did, too.

"That is true, you're not their typical One Direction's Zayn." She calmed herself, letting her laugh fade off, wiping tears from laughter from eyes. "--but you are something like the number nine." She grinned flirtatiously as the bell rang and she proceeded over to her usual seat but not before I could stop her.

"What? Like Tech Nine the rapper?" I asked, clueless as to what she was implying because I didn't recall looking anything like him but according to her answer, I thought way too hard.

"No, like the number nine because in order to be a ten, the only one you'd need is me." She winked so seductively that I almost caught a body as I watched her walk away and get lost in everyone else who filled into the room as class started.

Smiling to myself, I looked over at her, watching her pull her necessities out for note-taking then looked away as she looked up and thought to myself about the next move that I had to make. I can't believe she got me so off-guard.



As the day progressed on, I congratulated myself on the move I made earlier and thanked god for the YouTube advice videos on how to flirt that gave me that pick up line because lord know that I cannot flirt for shit. I liked the fact that it was implication but wasn't too straight forward and the fact that I didn't get too caught up in his lip bites and licks as I spoke. It was definitely a one up for me and besides, knowing that someone is actually really thinking of you all day was exfoliating and refreshing.

He'd been staring at me out of the corner of his eyes in every class we had all day up until the end of the last one and even waited for me outside until I came out of class behind the crowd of other student it consisted of. As soon as I was within his eye sight, he did his signature sizing and lip licking. His Mack was definitely on as he approached me.

"That was smooth what you said earlier." He grinned ear to ear as we started walking out to the parking lot.

"I know." I rolled my eyes, smiling a little and appreciating his compliment.

"You must flirt with dudes often, had me feeling a little off-beat and I gotta admit that you got some game." He chuckled, it was so enticing that I almost lot it but kept my innocent composure for the time being.

"Nah, you're the first, hopefully the last because it might get old after saying it so many times." I confessed, knowing that he probably wouldn't believe that I didn't talk to guys all nineteen years of my life but it was true. I wasn't social at all up until not.

"Word, I was hoping that I wasn't the only one who didn't get involved with the opposite sex yet either." He sighed, I know its a bit hypocritical but I definitely didn't believe him because his player mode was too down pact not to have been practiced.

"Good, cause that means I don't have any competition to go against." I muttered under my breath, knowing he'd figure out what I said long after it was said.

"Huh?" He asked and I grinned shaking my head as I approached my white Ford Camaro, feeling his eyes on me as I unlocked the door and got in.

"What you doing tonight?" He inquired, resting his head on his folding arms over the window opening on the driver side door, his lips looking soft enough to kiss but I kept myself from kissing them to avoid getting into something too quick.

"Nothing at all, and you?" I asked, putting on my shades and smiling at the offer he was about to propose before me.

"I mean, I was thinking you but--" He let his voice trail off jokingly as we both laughed because it was funny but little did he know I was actually seconds away from taking him up on it.

"Nah but for real, how about you give me your dorm address and phone number so I can pick you up around about eight for dinner, a movie and studying?" He asked, persuading me with his baby face and of course I agreed and he did a little victory dance as I wrote down what he asked for.

"Okay, I understand dinner and a movie but you actually want to study?" I asked, peering over my sunglasses at him.

"Of course, that test tomorrow isn't about to pass itself and if we start studying things. . .other than the expected low angle and close up shots then I guess we'll find a new major in each other tonight but if not, we still pass the test either way, deal?" He smiled, giving me his number to recognize when he called as I started my car up.

"Deal." I giggled, waving goodbye to him as I sped off.

I honestly could not believe that the first time I talked to him would be the same time I get asked out on a date. Could there be any better feeling than this teenage dream I had gotten myself into? Truth be told, with him I would never know but I did know that I definitely wouldn't know if we never get past stage one.

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