Stage 4 - Home

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I started to get out but something in my mind told me not to, pulling me back into the car and causing me to close the door. For a second, I wasn't sure as to what was happening and I told him to wait to ask what was going on but then I slowly started to realize what I wanted. I didn't want to be alone with my thoughts in my dorm room, I wanted to be alone with him tonight. Sure we could've went on another date, he could've spent more money on me and I would've greatly appreciated it but that wasn't how I wanted to spend my time with him tonight.

"Ab', wha--" He began but I interrupted him.

"Can we go back to your dorm? I don't wanna stay here tonight." I asked, staring ahead and fiddling with his air conditioning vent then looking at him.

"We could--but how are you gonna get in? I mean, they don't necessarily know that I don't have a roommate but dorm monitors are tight." He inquired, I forgot that curfew was in a couple of minutes but I did remember something that was going to help me get in.

"--behind the building, there are emergency escape stairs that branch off from each dorm's window, you go in the normal way and open your window so I can get in." I explained, feeling like Houdini except I was trying to get into a place and not out.

For a second he thought about it and asked me whether or not I cared about getting caught and having to get chaperoned home for the rest of the semester by campus advisors as punishment and I said no, as long as I got to see him I was okay. He chuckled, nodding and said okay, putting his car in drive and driving us back to the dorm.

"If I'm not in your dorm two seconds after you open your window, I got caught." I giggled, whispering to him as we got out and he kissed me on my cheek before we headed our separate ways.

Creeping around the building, I looked around and no one was coming so I zipped up the black jacket he gave me to hide my bright skin and insured that I wasn't seen as I made my way up the emergency escape stairs.


I ran up to my room and I didn't see anyone at the window yet so I went on ahead and took my dirty covers off of my bed because I didn't want something to happen where she ended up being face down with a mouthful of salt and put them in the hamper to wash later then put new black pillow cases, sheets and a comforter before going over and opening the window. I jumped when Abra's hands touched mine as I opened the window and she scared me, laughing at my face as I helped her get in before closing the window and locking it.

"That wasn't funny." I smirked, flipping her off as she went over and sat on my bed. "So, what are we doing?" I asked as if I hadn't caught all off her signals tonight, leaning up against my wall.

She looked like she was thinking hard for a while even though I knew that she knew what she wanted to say. After a few seconds, she sighed, rolling her eyes then focusing them on me as she bit her lip and took my jacket off of her, revealing a black deep V-neck shirt and dropped it on the floor. "I think --I'm ready to do this." She confessed. "--but, I don't want something normal, it has to be unordinary, something un orthodox."

I nodded, understanding but having to think of what all I knew about. Snapping my finger, I went over to my closet and started to pull out random stuff. "Aight, I got candles, condoms, KY, red cups, belt--no you not tying me up--I don't know why but I just found a blindfold, I got a Beats pill and Spotify with a bunch of slow songs--we got pancakes, and its ice in the fridge--we can rock, paper, scissors to see who gets to pick what happens first." I sighed, putting everything on the bed and trying to start my heart from beating so fast.

"Red cups? --and why can't I tie you up?" She questioned.

"Red cups for this--" I started, putting the four cups I had over the bulbs of the four lamps that lit my room until the room was lit with red lights. "--and because of what happened the last time I was tied up, remember?"

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