Running Bases

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Despite how eager and happy I was to see Abra this morning, I was actually able to get my studies done with her in her new seat which was right next to me. She was so adaptive to her environment so when it came to doing work co-ed, she was serious. I had a huge respect for her afterwards and not once did I flirt with her during any of the lectures or classes but I will admit that the intellect and passion the two of us shared for the tasks we had did turn me on just a little...okay maybe a lot but that's not the point.

Anyways, after the first lecture and three classes, it was finally lunch time at three-thirty in the afternoon. We didn't have another lecture until around seven-ish so we had all the time we needed to be alone without interruptions in my dorm with snacks and cartoons, I was super happy that this moment had come but I wasn't trying to move too fast because I wanted to enjoy it. Slowly, we walked out to the parking lot and I had my arm around her as I had done before.

"So what do you wanna do for lunch cause I'm not really feeling Chipotle? I want something else. You?" I asked, unlocking the car from far away only hoping no one noticed and tried to take it.

The weather here was bipolar and it went from a high of eighty-six degrees to a low of sixty four so I kept her close to me on the way to the car as she huddled inside my coat and told me that the choice was mine for lunch then continued on and talked about the project we had in class. Chuckling at the cuteness in her priority concern, I told her that if she kept looking as fine as she was, the project wouldn't be the only thing we'd be working on.

She rolled her eyes and laughed, almost making me loose my composure but I calmed my self down and opened the door for her. As I cranked the car up, I decided to go Quick & Easy so we could get some wings and fried then pig out at the house, I asked and she was like cool so that was what we did. We both got buffalo wings, large fries and hot teas then walked back to my dorm house; the restaurant was around the corner.

"Thanks for buying my food for me, I thought I had my wallet on me but I guess in the rush this morning I forgot it." She shrugged, her arms folded as the wind blew and I knew it was cold so I gave her my jacket.

"You forgot your jacket, too." I smiled down at her as I held her food for her to put it on then handing her bag back, I hugged her from behind and gave her a kiss on the cheek as we walked towards the dorm entrance door.

"Looks like I might have to forget my jacket more often." She fluttered her eye lashes at me as she kissed me back on the cheek.

As we approached the door, I let go to open it for her and I felt so special. Being quiet all my life was paying off now but I wished I met her earlier, like I could've been feeling like this in the womb. Ha, anyways, we took the elevator to the fifth floor down to the seventh room where my dorm was and now my heart was beating fast, for once I was nervous in her presence. I used my key to open the door and allowed her to go in first, my hands getting clammy.

Calm down, b. It's just a girl, maybe a pretty hot and tempting girl but all in all just a girl. Whatever happens will happen and that'll be it. Just breath, you're the guy, you make the moves. Stay calm. I thought to myself, wiping my hands on my pants before grabbing my coat from her hand to hang it up after she had taken it off.

"Nice place, besides the boxes and stuff I see you have a great taste in photography." She said, running her hand over my TV stand referring to the top that had random laminated photos of the beach of my hometown plastered to it.

"Yeah, sorry about the unfinished packing look but yeah, I took those before I transferred. They, um, remind me of home." I nodded following her as she gazed around elsewhere.

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