~Final Chapter~

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The school day was filled with excited seniors as they talked about what they planned on doing after graduation. It was a day of joy and excitement, for most people. You, on the other hand, weren't as excited as the others. You already had a job set up for after graduation as someone who studies the stars and constellations. It was your dream job after all, and you stopped at nothing to get it. 

Your new boss intended to attend your graduation so you and he could discuss a schedule and so you could sign some papers that allowed you to work with them. 

You had everything you ever wanted. Almost. 

Everyone had received the cap and gown for graduation after school ended. You held the package in your arms as you took your time heading home to get ready.  You couldn't wait to leave that place. It held many memories for you. The first two years of high school had been hell with the constant bullying. After your sophomore year, they just gave up and found a new target. That year you hardly spoke to anyone other than a shy, quiet girl named Hinata Hyuga. The world was dull. The only thing you cared about was leaving school and heading for the great outdoors in the middle of the night to gaze at the sky dotted with stars.

And then, you met him. Deidara. Suddenly, everything sprang to life. The once dull world was filled with color, and the stars seemed to shine even brighter than before You were happy. Of course, you weren't aware of your feelings for him in the beginning but now you knew you were, and always will be, hopelessly in love with the blonde haired, blue eyed idiot. 

But now he's gone and everything faded. 

When you got home, you heard someone walking around in your kitchen. Stopping in the doorway, you grabbed the bat from the closet and silently headed that way. You jumped in the doorway, bat raised in the air, ready to strike the intruder down. 

"No! Wait! It's just me!" 

You opened your eyes and let out a sigh of relief. "Don't scare me like that!" you snapped as you set the bat against the wall. "Mr. Morasaki, why are you here, in my house?"

"W-well..." he scratched the back of his head. You took the time to examine the 'kiss the cook' apron. "I was going to make a feast for when you came home." 

Your eyes softened. He kind of reminded you of your father. 

"I'm going to get ready." you left the kitchen and headed upstairs to your room. You opened the door. The first thing you noticed was the strapless sky blue dress lying on your bed. Beside the dress were two hair clips in the shape of a star. A smile graced your lips as you silently thanked Mr. Morasaki.

What you didn't know was that it wasn't from Mr. Morasaki.

Quickly you took a shower and slipped on the beautiful dress. The fabric felt nice against your skin. Mr. Morasaki pinned your hair up, after it was blow dried, with the two star hair pins. He smiled as he stepped back.

"You look beautiful." he said to you. 

"Thank you."

You slipped the graduation gown over your dress, after you received your diploma, you could take it off once more.

"Come on. Don't want to be late," he winked at you. You gave him a smile as the two of you got into the car and headed towards the school.


The graduation speak from the head of the council dragged on forever, you were ready to fall right over and go to sleep. Luckily for you, and everyone else, the speech finally came to an end. Everyone lined up at the edge of the stage in order they'd be called in. You were somewhere in the middle of the large line of teens. 

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