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        The Akatsuki ended up robbing the store and currently were in a cell. Separate cells away from each other. Deidara had his head in his hands. His parents were going to kill him! His dad would kick him out for good. He’d have no where to go.

        A tap on the bars interrupted his thoughts. A cop stood on the other side of the bars. “You got a visitor.” he said. Deidara felt his stomach drop. His throat went dry as he felt his muscles tense up.

        You came around the corner and looked at the blonde haired blue eyed male on the other side of the bars. The little girl, named Sayoko, held your hand. Deidara let out a sigh of relief.

        “What are you doing here?” he asked, annoyance laced in his voice. You ignored him and motioned for the cop to come over.

“What can I do for you miss?” he asked.

“Hey! I’m talking to you!” Deidara yelled. “Don’t ignore me!”

You continued to ignore him. “How much to bail him out?”

        “He wasn’t caught with anything on him when he arrested him. So I’ll be nice. 200.” he said. You sighed and pulled out your wallet. You opened it and handed him the money. All the while, Deidara stared at you with pure astonishment. The cop opened the cell door and released his handcuffs.

        “You’re free to go. Next time you’re caught robbing something, I won’t be so nice.” he gave Deidara a small push forward. You turned your back and left the police station. Deidara was left there alone.

        You went home and showed Sayoko where her room was. After that, you crashed. You fell right into your mattress and was out in a heartbeat.

        Deidara walked home alone once again. He was always alone. His parents hated him and all he had was the Akatsuki and yet he had gotten arrested.

        He couldn’t understand why you would do such a thing. He hardly knew you and yet you bailed him out of jail. He couldn’t wrap his mind around it. You were always appearing out of nowhere. “She even tried to stop me, but I didn’t listen…”

        He slowly made his way home. Deidara opened the door, kicked off his shoes and went straight to his bedroom where he planted himself into his bed. He laid there until dawn before actually falling asleep.


        It was well into the afternoon when he woke up. For a moment he didn’t know where he was at. Then everything came flooding back to him. Robbing the store, going to jail, you bailing him out.

        He sighed and rolled out of bed and went downstairs. When he entered the kitchen he saw his mother preparing what he hoped was lunch. He sat at the table and laid his head on the cool, smooth surface. His mother turned around only to see her son at the table. Before she could actually greet him, her husband stormed into the room.

“Deidara.” he said.

“Deidara lifted his head to stare at his father. He instantly noticed the fury in his eyes. “What?”

        “I got a call from the police station late last night. They said you were arrested for breaking and entering.” his mother let out a small gasp and put a hand to her mouth. “And you were also bailed out by a young lady, who is now sitting in our living room, named (y/n).”

        And so Deidara and his parents made their way to the living room. Deidara sat beside you as his parents sat across from you.

“Sorry to call you on such short notice,” his father apologized.

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