Chapter 4- Leaked

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Your pov

WE'RE HOME!!!!!!
Luke stop doing that. Luke laughs and takes his stuff and goes inside of our apartment. I stretch and grab my phone off the seat next to me. Darn it's dead. I must charge it. I grab my bags and run into the apartments. I walk inside my apartment and see Luke sleeping on the couch. I look at him for a sec and grabbed a orange off the table and threw it at him and ran off to my room. YESSS!!!! MY CHARGER!! I plug my phone in and sit right next to it. Well now I wait for it to charge........

Joeys pov

I wake up and the plane starts landing. I stretch and check my phone which was vibrating like crazy. "Dude what's up with your phone" Tayler says. IDK!?! Oh lord my numbered leaked!!!
I'm getting all these calls and messages. "Joey we need to go change your number" Tayler says. Alright let's hurry up and change it. "Alright let's go" Tayler says.

Y/n pov

I sit there next to my wall and look over at my phone. YAY!!!! My phone turned on and I checked it. Alright let me text Jade. I look through my contacts and see a contact with the name of Joey. What...?  OMG JOEY MUST OF PUT HIS NUMBER IN MY PHONE. I press on the contact and text him.

Hey this is y/n from sundance square in Texas.

I sit there with the biggest smile ever on my face and wait for a reply.

15 min later.......

Ohhhh..... Why have he not replied back..... I'll just call him.


Y/n: Hello?

Sorry but this number is not operated.

WHAT!?! Oh no he must of gave me the wrong number. I jump in my bed and roll into a little burrito in my blankets. Hmp.......

Joeys pov

"How's your phone now?" Tayler says. Well it's not ringing like heck so I guess it's good. We walk to Taylers car and I see a little couple. The boy was teaching his girlfriend how to skate on a little penny board. The girl went fast and crashed into the boy, they both say there and laughed. I thought about y/n and I looked at my phone. My.....number..... "What little dude"said Tayler.

Yeah I know I have not been updating but I got tired of this cause I felt like I was not good. But I thought about people and thought a little more about people and I'm just like well what if there are people that really enjoy this book so today I downloaded this app and looked at this book and I had a bunch of  notifications and more people were reading this. So I sat down and decided to finish this chapter. I promise I will start posting more and I will post the next chapter tonight or tomorrow. PEACE.

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