The Sun within

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Beyond all sight
Blind to the world
Yet always there

That which has not
By its own nature
Can only take

That which gives
Of its own nature
Is the jewel of creation

Brilliance pours forth
Covering the vast nothingness
Spreading eternally

Until something grabs hold
That tiny, fragile seed
It struggles

Then something arises
The seed takes root
It embraces the darkness

Then it comes forth
And reaches up
Toward the gem

The seed may live
Or it may die
It does not matter

The only reason it came
Was because
Of the seat of life

That which gives
By its own nature
That is its beauty

It gives not because we ask
But because it is intrinsic
And it cannot help but give

What brings life
Can also bring death
Such is creation

Only in our minds
Is the world so black and white
In truth it is neither

Both colorless
And all colors
Both life and death

The hidden truth lies further
It wakes within
Beauty shrouds knowledge
Truth transcends our walls

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