To my Guru

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Crowded spaces all around

thousands I do not know

but only you I see

I feel so excited 

to see you with my own eyes

for the first time

I sit down unaware 

of so many things

I rise now

beyond my thoughts and feelings

Before I sat with you

I didn't know what it was

but your words and way spoke to me

The moment I was there

everything changed 


I stood drunk within

knowing the intoxication 

of simply being

I reached for your hand 

I felt it

I felt blessed

Truly that day I shall not forget

forget what I experienced

within me

A sacred seed was indeed planted

now I strive to let it grow

Without rest I shall continue

I accede to the will of my guru

I will strive till death and beyond

You have my eternal gratitude

for bringing this into my life

I will let the seed grow

I will let it sprout 

And live to see it flower

I hope you do too

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