Chapter 1

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~Nice to meet you, my cute little brother~

It was rather peaceful as the Earl Phantomhive arrives at his house in the city. That is until he comes across some unwanted guests that were searching for tea in the parlor room. The young Earl was already quite stressed with the request she got from the Queen about solving the 'Jack the Ripper' case. After discussing the case with his unwanted guests, they head to the crime scene... only to be filled by useless information with almost no clues. The young Earl, along with his demon butler and uninvited guests, head over to a long term acquaintance of the Phantomhive company for information. The Undertaker. He's quite a strange fellow but all the information you need, you can get at the Undertaker's for a price of a laugh.

"These days, I often get customers who are .. incomplete." Undertaker starts.

"incomplete?" asks the curious butler.

"Yes, incomplete... the wombs are missing." Undertaker answers, which shocked his visitors. "Though the killer makes quite a violent splatter, the wombs themselves are neatly cut out."

"It was done on a public road, even if it was not a high-traffic one... wouldn't such an excision have been difficult for an amateur, particularly in the middle of the night?" queries the butler.

"You're a sharp one, butler. That's my opinion as well." Undertaker says then makes his way to the young Earl. "First the Ripper slashes their throats with a shard hand weapon,─" Undertaker demonstrates with the use of his hand on the throat of the Earl with his long dark fingernails as the 'weapon'. "─then cuts this part open... and takes what's precious to them." Undertaker motion to the stomach of the Earl, where the womb of a woman would be at. He them pokes the disturbed Earl with his dark fingernail on the cheek. "I'm sure there will be others killed. People like that don't stop until someone stops them." Undertaker moves away from the Earl then asks him "Can you do it, o villainous noble Lord Phamtomhive?"

"On the honor of my family crest, I eliminate anyone who defiles the Queen's garden, without exception... and by any means necessary." the young Earl Phantomhive declares.

The group leaves and enters their carriage and journeys back to their home. During the ride, they discuss about the possibilities of the culprits. at some point there, the demon butler had jumped off of the carriage to make a list of the culprits.

From a far, a beautiful young lady watches the young Earl with his company. She chuckles as the demon butler just jumps off the carriage.

"it's laughable that no one is suspecting that butler to be something inhuman..." she states.

"My lady, it is unsafe for you to be at this height." says butler in white.

"I'm fine, Ash. I'm just quite excited to finally meet and be near my cute little brother. Besides, shouldn't you be with Her Highness?" the lady asks as she stands up, dusting off some dust on her assassin uniform.

"Her Highness requested me to come get you ready for the ball. You have been invited by the Viscount himself. Your dress has been prepared. The Queen insist you go and enjoy yourself before you go." says the butler.

The lady sighs. "It's not a bright girly dress, right?" she asks.

the butler chuckles. "It's not. You may like it actually." the butler says and the lady hums.

"I'll go get ready then. It's been nice living in the castle. I might miss it." she says.

"might?" the butler asks.

"I was the one who asked to have the Phantomhive manor rebuilt... that manor was my home... even though I wasn't old enough to remember... and I only spent a few days there... I've never met my parents... I may only have caught a glimpse of them, once or twice... But there's no other place like home than where your family is... or was. The castle has been my home, Her Majesty has been much a mother to me... But no one can replace where and who I came from." she answers him.

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