Chapter 3

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~Long Time Friend/Crush~

"Aurora/You! What are you doing here?!" Madam Red and Ciel chorus in surprise, meanwhile, both the reaper and the demon frowns at their inability to detect her.

"The Queen has grown impatient with me and ordered to permanently end the Jack the Ripper case." Aurora jumps from the roof of the builting and lands perfectly on the ground between her Aunt and little brother. "Originally, this case was mine, but I've just been playing 'cat & mouse' to wait until I met my blood relative killer." She dusts off some dirt off of her uniform skirt.

"you... knew...?"

"Of course I did. No human could commit a crime like this. And I have been on this case for over a month now. I had to meet my Aunt first before executing her." Aurora draws her sword. "Jack the Ripper's victims had other things in common. They all underwent a certain surgery at London Central Hospital, where you work. The only patient on the list who hadn't yet been killed was Mary Kelly, who lived in that flat. I was a bit too late and can't execute my attack since Ciel and Sebastian were here, so I waited on the roof. Quite unfortunate... but Mary Kelly would still have been killed for participating in human and drug trafficking. Now then, shall we end this?" Aurora points her sword at Madam Red.

"....It is unfortunate, my beloved nephew and long lost niece... if neither of you knew, we would have spent more time as a family.. playing chess, dancing away... But... I won't give anything up this time!!!" Madam Red exclaims then Grell's chainsaw roars.

Grell aims his chainsaw at Ciel, but Aurora protected him before Sebastian could move. She deflects the chainsaw with her sword and had Grell sent off a few feet.

Sebastian covers Ciel from being involve in the fight between sword and chainsaw, but neither side was winning or losing... they were equally strong..

"What is that thing?" Ciel asks, a bit alarmed of the chainsaw

"Grim reapers possess tools for harvesting souls. This is a reaper's sickle." Sebastian answers him

Grell pulls away from his fight with Aurora to complain. "Don't call it a sickle! Not after I've customized it to my personal specifications! This is a 'death scythe' only I can wield, and it can hack any being to pieces!" He explains then goes to act so girly "I've behaved myself so well lately, I'm out of shape now! I want to get some real exercise for a change .... w-i-t-h y-o-u~ ♥" Grell flirts with Sebastian, whose eye twitch in annoyance.

Becoming annoyed as well, Aurora goes to attacks Grell, successfully scratching his cheek with her sword. Grell screams. "How dare you injure a lady's face!?"

"How dare you look away from your opponent during battle..." Aurora says with a cold yet mocking tone as she continuously attacks Grell, who grows to have a hard time blocking and dodging.

"Once I deal with you, I can be with my Sebas-chan." the reaper glares and quickens his attacks. Unfortunately for him, Aurora was quicker and had managed to land a kick on the reaper's stomach and sends him skidding several feet away from her.

"This is the first time I've come across a pathetic grim reaper like you... A grim reaper is suppose to quietly harvests the souls of the dying... they go by strict absolute rules that must be followed." Aurora says

"You seem to know a lot about grim reapers..." Ciel comments and Aurora turns her head towards him.

"Being deathly sick ever since birth, a grim reaper is stationed near me ready to harvest my soul. Even though he was silent and was hiding, I always found him and I pester him with curious questions about him. He didn't seem to care about the information he gives me since he was sure that I was going to die soon. But when the miracle was performed and I lived, he had me swore to never anything about his kind. We made a promise with each other that day. I was going to meet him again. That's why I pursued into becoming an assassin... If I were to eliminate those the Queen asks, I would have a chance to see him... but other reapers come instead..." Aurora tells a short tale about herself with a slight hue of pink on her cheeks when she mentions about a certain reaper.

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