The condom

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{Sarah's POV}

"Ok motherfuckers, let's start this shit" I said as soon as I finished giving to each one a shot of tequila and laid down on my carpet. "Sar, I don't wanna play this, please, I'm begging of you" Lily said with the puppy face. "The better will win" I said, imitating her.

"Come on pussy, what are you afraid of?" I teased her. "Are you daring me?" She said as she stared me. "Of course I am, now let's start, drink your shot" I said as I started drinking my shot of tequila.

"Have we all finished?" Pascal asked. "I'm done" I said. "Me too" Mandy replied. Then we saw Lily trying to drink but it was really hard for her. "Ok Lil, I'll help you, close your eyes" I said as she closed her beautiful blue eyes. Then I took the shot and put it on her mouth as I started turning the little cup upside-down.

"Are you alive?" I asked her. She didn't answer, just made a confuse expression. "Lily, it wasn't that bad, I know that, secretly, you liked it. Ok, let's start" I took the bottle and put it on the middle of us, we were sitting in a circle.

"Someone spin the bottle" Pedro said. "What about the perfect saint girl start it?" I looked at Lily. "Ok, I'll spin it" she said as she spun the bootle. 

"Ok, I ask, Mandy answers" I said and Amanda nodded. "Truth or dare?" I asked. "Well, I'll take dare" Mandy answered me. "I dare you to have sex with Pascal" I said with a devilish look. "WHAT THE FUCK SARAH? ARE YOU ALREADY DRUNK? YOUR MOTHER IS RIGHT HERE" Pascal yelled at me.

{Lily's POV}
Is Sarah crazy? What is she thinking? Mandy and Pedro are too young to have sex. She's totally drunk, I knew this game wasn't a good idea, and I warned.

"Well, it's my dare for you, if you will do it or not, it's none of my business, but just for your knowledge, if you aren't going to do it, I'll guarantee by myself that you'll pay the consequences" Sarah said raising her brow.

"Ok, we'll do it, but just because we like each other, not because you dared us" Mandy said. "So, where's it going to be?" Pedro asked. "You can do it here, just please don't stain my bed with your juices" Sarah replied as she left the room. "Uhm... I guess I gotta go" I said as I followed Sarah.

"WAIT, SARAAAAHHHH" I yelled desperately. "What?" She said in a debouching voice. "WE FORGOT THE CONDONS" I said trying to not show that I was in panic. "OH SHIT LET'S DO SOMETHING, AMANDA CAN'T BE PREGANANT, I GUESS LIZ HAS SOME CONDONS IN HER ROOM. I'LL GET THE CONDOM AND YOU'LL RUN AND TELL THEM TO STOP DOING WHATEVER THEY'RE DOING, OK?" I nodded and started run very fast to Sarah's room.

I opened the door. It was too late. Oh Lord, what are we going to do now. I'm quite sure that Sarah is going to get in trouble with Mandy's and Pascal's parents. My mom probably won't let me be her friend anymore. I have to do something. I just can't let this happen. Sarah is my everything, and if I can't have her just for me, at least I wanna have her around me.

Pedro and Amanda started starring at me. Of course, they were naked, having sex, and I was there, watching them, in panic. "YOU FORGOT THE CONDOM" I yelled. Amanda's and Pedro's eyes started opening more then they already were. Then I heard a voice. A voice that almost said: you all are in trouble.

{Sarah's POV}
I'm in Liz's room. Good. I'll get the codons and everything is going to be ok. I'm not getting caught. Why am I trying to pretend that everything is ok? My best friend is almost pregnant and it's all my fault. Well played Sarah, well played. Why do you have to mess everything up? WHY?? I'm so pathetic, I always screw everything up.

I started looking for the codons in Liz's things. Thanks God, finally found it. It isn't fair. She's younger than me, she's just 14. And I'm still a virgin. I should've used this against her. Aargh, so dumb Sarah, so dumb.

Ok, I can't waist anytime, I have to hurry, this is a real problem. Finally I arrived at my room. The door is closed. Oh no, guess something happened. Ok, I'll open it slowly, so, if there's really something, I'll have time to runaway. I am opening the door and all the lights are turned off. Something really happened here. I guess I should look for my mother and tell her the whole story.  I'll get in trouble, but I can't handle this kind of problem alone.

When I started turning around to go to my mothers room, I felt a touch on my arm. I could feel that  touch anytime and anywhere, I still would know who's the owner of it. I wish this didn't happen, but, unfortunately, my wishes aren't strong enough to make everything right again.

"Sarah Catharine Paulson, take a seat, we have a very serious problem to talk about" my mom said, I could feel the fury on my mother's voice. Oh ow, it's going to be a loooooong night.

It's been a long time - A Raulson fanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora