Looooong night pt. 1

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Guys, I'm so sorry, I take like a eternity to update, but hey, at least I'm updating! Sorry for making you waste your time with my shitty fanfic, but I'll try to make it a little better, I promise. Please, tell me what you're thinking about this! I do need to know if you're liking it or not. Hope you enjoy this chapter ;)

{Lily's POV}
I warned. I warned. I warned. I keep repeating this in my mind but I can't stop thinking that everything is my fault. Sarah is such a kid, no one should let her run the things. I was so stupid, I knew who she is, and I did let her do what she has done.

Now, we're all seated at Sarah's room, with Ms. Clarke walking in circles, she's very stressed. "Sarah, look at what you have done" she said and started tearing. "But mom, I didn't know that this would happen" Sarah said trying to not cry, she wanted to seem like she was tough and she wouldn't let this situation mess her up.

"Mom, please, we're teenagers. For God sake, haven't you ever done any mistake in your life, Ms. Perfection?" Sarah said and made an ironic expression as she started rolling her eyes. "Sarah, this is something bigger than a mistake. We don't even know if Amanda is pregnant. I'll call her parents, and for you, no television, hang outs, cellphone or any other stuff that you could use for amusement for a year. If you get your behavior better, I'll see what I can do for you, but for now, this is your sentence."

"Ok, it isn't that bad, I'll take it." Sarah said. "But please, don't tell Mandy's parents, at first, let's go to the pharmacy, and I'll buy some pills to avoid you-know-what." Sarah completed. "Ok Sarah, keep behaving this way, you're redeeming yourself. Now, go. No, wait, where's Liz?" Catharine said

"Umm...well, Liz slept at Sam's house." Oh Lord, Sarah's such a liar. Hope she'll be an actress, because God, she's really good at pretending, like she's pretending to be ok right now. I know that inside, in the bottom of her feelings, she's mad at herself. I know who Sarah is, she will never be ok knowing that she made her best friend be pregnant.

"Ok Sarah, now go" Sarah's mother said. "Can I go with her Ms. Clarke?" I gently said with a big smile on my face. "Oh Lily! It's too generous from your part, but Sarah needs to do it herself, it was her who made this whole confusion, wasn't  it?" Sarah's mother said, she has an enormous admiration for me because, instead of her own daughter, I never get in trouble. "But Ms. Clark, you're talking about Sarah Paulson. Are you sure that you're going to let her do the things by herself? This exactly why this is happening, isn't it?" I replied. "Yes Lily, you're right. Please keep Sarah away from the troubles, I know that it's an almost impossible mission, but I need you to try it." Catharine said as she waved her hand, signalizing that we should go before she changes her mind.

{Sarah's POV}
Lil and me are going to my mom's car, she gave us the keys before we left my room. Ok, I'm nervous. I don't wanna screw everything up again. I mean, I know a little about driving but I don't know if it's going to work. I'm really afraid of a car crash. I guess I'll ask Lily if we can go on foot. Yes, I'll do it, the pharmacy isn't so far. "Hey Lil, what about we go on foot? I'm afraid, I don't know much about this driving stuff, please, I'm begging of you." I said making the cutest puppy face that I could, knowing that if I really begged, she won't deny.

"Ok Sarah, but just because I don't wanna die." Lily said giggling. "Hey, I'm not that bad" I said. "Believe me little girl, you are. Remember when you were taking very long to park the park, and a person was faster than you and stole the local you were trying to park?" Lily asked me. "Hey, I wasn't so slowly. That asshole. If I see he again I'm going to get in trouble again." I replied. "No Sarah, you aren't, this is exactly why I'm here. To keep you away from more troubles." Lily said. "Ok mommy, should I go to the bed now?" I said in a childish voice. Lily rolled her eyes.

We're walking down the street, I guess we're going to take 5 minutes to arrive there. Ok, everything is going to be ok. 1...2...3...4...5 ARGHHHH THIS ISN'T WORKING. "Lil, help me, I'm very stressed." I said in a worried voice. "You should be." Lily said giggling. "I'm not kidding." I was starting to get annoyed. "Ok, calm down, I'll buy you some chill pills." Lily said, she cares about me, what a cutie. We continued walking and we finally arrived at the pharmacy.

Now, I'm looking for the pills and Lily is by my side. "LILY, CAN YOU HELP ME??" I shouted. "Have you helped me? She asked me. "Yes, I helped. You remember this, I know." I said. "Ok, let me see." She said as she started looking for the pills. "Sarah, are you blind?" Lily asked me holding the pills, they were just in my front. "Sorry, forgive me, I'm nervous." I apologized. "Ok, I'll get you some chill pills. "PLEASE STAY RIGHT HERE, DON'T DO ANYTHING OK? CAN I TRUST YOU?" Lily asked me in a dramatic tone. "Yes mommy, I'll stay right here, don't worry." I replied rolling my eyes.

{Lily's POV}
I'm at the cash paying for the pills and praying for Sarah. I'm actually nervous, I don't know why I trusted her, I know who Sarah Paulson is. Probably, the next time I see her, as soon as I finish buying these pills, she'll be in trouble again. And I'll fail my mission, what's going to make everything worse than already is.

"LILY, STOP." I yelled at myself. And of course, I didn't yell in my mind, so people started starring at me. "Mommy, why is this girl yelling? I wanna yell too. If she can, I can, right?" I could hear the little girl beside me talking to her mother. Oh my God, I'm only 16 and I already lost my mind.

"25.99 U$" the saleswoman said. I gave 30.00 U$ and ran to Sarah, I didn't mind the change, I was too nervous to wait for it. I don't know what happened, maybe a divine intervention, but, when I arrived at the local that Sarah was waiting for me, she was exactly in the same position as she was when I left.

"Hi Lil" Sarah said with a big smile, she was really proud of herself for not getting in trouble when alone for 10 minutes. She should be. The last time it happened was in kindergarten, me thinks. Ok, I'm being dramatic, but who cares?

"Let's go Sar, don't forget that Amanda is still almost pregnant." I said. We started walking down the street. Sarah was emotionless. I guess it's her way to deal with this. I know that she's actually trying to not cry.

We arrived at Sarah's house and I still can't believe that absolutely nothing happened. Oh Lord, I'm so happy. We knocked on the door. Sarah's mom appeared and she was worried. Very worried. "Are you ok?" She asked us. "Yes, I don't know how, but absolutely nothing happened with us." I answered her in a happy voice as a smile started appearing on my face. "Ok, but why did you take too long?" Catharine said as she opened the door, so we could enter the house.

"Sarah was afraid of driving, so we went on foot." I said. "HEY WHERE'S AMANDA?" Sarah shouted. "She's in your bedroom, and Pedro is in the bathroom, just if you were wondering where he is." Ms. Paulson said as Sarah starting walking to her room. "I better go with her" I said with an ashamed smile as I started following Sarah.

{Sarah's POV}
"Hey Mandy, look what I bought for you." I said as a tried to smile. "Thanks Sar." Mandy replied and gave me a fake smile. "I'll get you some water for the pills" I said awkwardly. Then I ran downstairs to get the water. "Shit." I said as I saw who arrived.

"Oh, hi Sarah, nice to see you too." Liz said rolling her eyes. I put my finger on my mouth asking for silence. "What the hell is going on?" Liz said as my mother entered the kitchen. "Wait, what is happening? Liz, weren't you sleeping at Sam's house?" My mommy said with a confuse look.

"Humm... Err... Liz forgot her pjs and she thought that is normal to come to her house in the middle of the night." I tried to lie. Of course, it didn't work, but just because Liz was wearing a dress and makeup. I'm a good liar. Yes, I really am. What? leave me alone, I was nervous ok?

"Sarah are you lying again?" "HOW THE HELL YOU KNOW?" "I'm your mother. And Liz is wearing make up." Me and mommy argued. "Sarah you lied to me twice in just 1 hour. You know this is going to make your punishment worse, don't you." My mother said to me, she was very disappointed with me. "THANK YOU SO FUCKING MUCH LIZ" I shouted. "Language Sarah! Shouting is just gonna get everything worse." My mother said. "And for you Liz, 1 week grounded." She completed.

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