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Hey guys, I'm so sorry it took sooo long to update but I've been very busy lately dealing with school shit. Hope you enjoy this chapter, it's a long one, I'm sorry for that too. Xoxo

{Lily's POV}
It was one week since the pregnancy incident and Sarah didn't talk to anyone during all the week. She was quite sad. I wanted to know what was bothering her, but every time I tried to talk to her, she just found a way to run away from me. She wasn't the same Sarah. She was changed. She was affected. It was like something really bad happened to her, she didn't do absolutely anything but stare at nothing with a sad look.

I had to do something. Since I saw the scars on her arm, I started suspecting that she had depression. But at that week, I was 99.99% sure that she was depressed, so I decided to talk to her mother.

I did my school assignment and then went to Sarah's house on foot. Actually, it was really near from my house. It took something like 10 minutes to arrive there. I knocked on the door waiting for a response, but nothing. I tried one more time, and nothing again. So, after knocking like a million times again and again, I called Sarah's mom. "Oh, hi Miss Clarke, um, I'm at your house and I really need to talk to you about Sarah. I tried to knock, but there wasn't any response. Are you home?" I said. "Hello Lily, I think I know about what you wanna talk, and that's why I'm not home. I'm with Sarah at the psychiatrist, I saw the scars on her arm and I noticed that she has been quite upset during this week, so I decided to bring her here. If you want to, you can come here and support her. I'll text you the address." Catharine said in a calm voice. "Thank you so much Miss Clarke, and sure, I'll be there in a minute." I said and hang up.

I went back to my home and started looking for my mom's car keys. Oh shit. I didn't find it, so I had to go on my own foot. "Well, I have to. It's for Sarah." and then I started going to the psychiatrist's office. It was a little far from my house. I was walking down the street when I felt a drop of water fall on my head. "Oh hell, NO" I exclaimed. And when I realized, it was raining, so I started running really fast, trying to get the office before I was all wet. It was really cold and I was freezing. When I arrived there, I was wet and shaking.

I saw Sarah's mom coming towards me as she said: "Oh sweetie! What has happened to you? Here, take my coat." She said as she covered me with her coat and guided me to a chair right next to Sarah. "Thank you so much Miss Clarke." I said politely. "You're always welcome Lil! Plus, you came here even though it was raining just to help my daughter, I think I owe you this one." She replied with a smile. "Nothing to worry, Sarah's my best friend, there's nothing I wouldn't do for her." I said with a smile as I looked at Sarah. She was with an empty expression but after I said those words, it was like her face lightened up. "Hi Sar." I said looking at her. "Hi." She replied harshly and I looked at her eyes, then at the window and then at the floor.

"Miss Paulson, Dr. Roberts is ready to see you now." The receptionist said. Then we all stood up. "Please, just Miss Paulson." The woman said and then Catharine and I sat down as Sarah started walking towards the door.

{Sarah's POV}
Since my mom told me that I was moving to Florida I had been really pissed off. I couldn't talk to anyone, I was too sad to do anything. I didn't want to left my room. I just wanted to stay there. Just laying on my bed, locked in my room, without anyone to bother me. But the fail in my perfect life plan was Lily. When I passed all the week avoiding her and don't talking to her at all it just made me realize how much I loved her, and, how much I needed her.

My mom noticed that I wasn't in my usual self, and started suspecting that I had depression when she accidentally saw the scars on my arm when I was cleaning the dishes. She tried to be discreet, but she wasn't good at being discreet at all, she was really worried with my situation. And that's why she brought me to Dr. Roberts. So, there was I, walking towards the door of her office to my appointment.

I knocked on the door to see a beautiful blond woman. "Come in." she said in a gentle voice as she stood up and started walking in my direction. When she reached me, she hugged me and made her way to the chair that she was sitting before as she guided me to other chair, in front of hers.

We were separated by a desk where she kept some papers. She looked down at some papers and read them. "Hi Sarah. How are you?." She said with a friendly smile. "I'm ok." I said emotionlessly. "Hey, I need you to tell me what's bothering you, so I can help." She said. " I-I don't know, there are so many things." I stuttered. "Then, tell me all of them, I'm here to help you, don't forget this." She said with a smile.

"Well, I had an incident with my friends last week and after that everything started to be messed up." I said as my eyes started to tear because I remember everything that happened since that night. "Sorry, I'll continue." I said apologizing for my teared eye. "Don't apologize, it's totally ok." She replied. "So, my 4 friends were all at my house and we decided to drink and play truth or dare. Each of us drank a tequila shot and I dared two of my friends to have sex, but we forgot the condom and I went to get one in my sister's room. When I returned to my room, they already did that, and my mom knew everything. And then, all the pregnancy thing was ok, and my friend wasn't pregnant. But, in that night I fought with my sister because I accidentally told my mother that she already had sex and I also fought with mom and Lily, my best friend. In the day after all the confusion, my mom told me that she's sending me to Florida to live with my father and that really pissed me off, because if I move to Florida, I'll be apart of the person I most love. And this really upsets me." I said and took a deep breath. "Wow, there are really a lot of things going on." Dr. Roberts said, she was impressed with all the stuff that happened to me in just one day.

"First of all, I need to know, how are you feeling with all this situation?" She asked me. "I don't know, I'm just sad, I don't wanna do anything or talk to anyone, I just wanna stay in my room listening to music in my own company." I replied. "Um... ok." She said as she wrote some things on a notebook. "How much time do you spend alone?." She asked. "As much as I can." I replied. She nodded and wrote on her notebook again.

"May I see your arms?" She asked. "Sure." I said, showing her my scarless arm as I tried to hide the other. "Ok, now the other one." She requested. I just shook my head signing that I refused her request. "Sarah, please, it's for your own good. You already told me what happened, please let me see." She continued. I put my arm on the desk. "The sleeve, please." She said as she pointed to the sleeve of my sweater. I just did what she asked and she saw my arm full of scars. "Ok Sarah, I guess you have depression, but I'll need more time to have an exact diagnosis of you. I need to see you next week. About the moving to Florida thing, I'll try to convince your mother to keep you here, I'm just going to ask you one thing: please try not to harm yourself again. Deal?." She said calmly. "I guess so. Thank you Dr. Roberts." I said poletely. "No problem honey, and you can call me Emma. Please, when you leave, tell your mother, I want to talk to her. Now, you can go." She said as she walked to the door and opened it, then she signalized me to go.

"So, how did it go?." My mom asked. "She wants to see you." I replied her. "Ok, stay here, and Lily, take care of her." My mom said and walked inside the room I had just left.

{Lily's POV}
I was right next to Sarah and it was an extremely awkward atmosphere. "So..." I tried to talk to her but I didn't have any topic to talk about beside her depression. I looked at her and her eyes were empty, her face was emotionless. It wasn't Sarah, something took her away.

She was just so different. In her usual self, she would have found something to talk about, but she just ignored me. I started to stare at the wall, but the time seemed not to pass, I looked down at the floor, and then at the wall, and then at Sarah and when I looked at my watch there were just 5 minutes since Sarah's mom left.

After what seemed like an eternity, the door opened again and Miss Clarke walked in our direction. "Let's go home? I can get you some food and then we can all eat. Lily, if you want, you can stay the night there." Sarah's mom said. "Thank you Miss Clarke, I'll take it." I replied as Sarah and I stood up and followed Miss Clarke to her car. Sarah didn't say a word.

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