Transcript (Grades, Notorious and Popularity Points)

52 2 3

+Presented With Student ID Number. Can Be Found On Student Registry Page

Grades/NP/PP: Deviant personalities start with 5 notorious points and 5 popularity points. Outcasts start with -5 popularity points. Populars start with 5 popularity points.

#3CH302  - A/0/0

#3CH301  - A/0/0

#3BR302 - A/0/-5 

#3RB303 - A/0/0

#3GD301 - NA/5/5

#3KH304 - NA/0/-5

#3SS304 - NA/0/5

#3MM305  - NA/5/5 

#4PV303 - NA/5/0

#4DS305  - NA/5/10

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