The broken arm and your my baby

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Tyler's P.O.V.
I was at home working on paper work 'UGH I hate this shit' I said mentally I saw my boyfriend going with some tools "Evy what are you doing baby" I said

"I'm going to fix the fan" he said "you don't need help" i said "no baby you have work to do" he said I got up and went to go kiss him he kissed back and wrapped his arms around my neck and I wrap my arms around his waist "be safe" I said

"I will" he said going up stairs I went back to work sleepy as shit I slowly started to fall asleep I shot up when I heard a huge bang from upstairs

"Evan" I said I didnt get any reply "EVAN" I yelled and ran upstairs I opened the door to the room and saw Evan lying there groaning

"EVAN WHAT THE HELL HAPPEN" I said " I said "I ah I stepped on a a wrong step and fell off Ty I-I think I broke my a-arm" he said with tears

"Evan just relax I'll take you to the hospital" I said he closed his eyes I carried him bridal style we live kinda next to the hospital I ran to the hospital

"help my boyfriend is injured help" I said some nurses and doctors came out with a bed I put him on it they moved him to a room "sir they need you to stay here" a man said I went to the waiting room

2 hours later

I was pacing back and forth in the waiting room "family of Evan Fong" I looked at the doctor

"you may come to see him now" he said I went to his room and saw him there with a red cast he was looking down

"Evan" i said he didn't look up "Evan what's wrong" I said an moved to were he was I got his chin so I can meet his eyes "I thought you would be mad at me" he said sad

"now why would I be mad at my baby" I said "I dont know I just thought you would be mad" he said

I kissed him the doctor came in "you may take your boyfriend now Sir Tyler" he said "OK thank you sir" I said I got him bridal style I went home

2 days later Evan's P.O.V.
I was on the couch with my hand on a pillow "baby do you need anything" Tyler is being WAY over protective I know he loves me and he is treating me like a baby

"no Ty I don't need anything" I said "Ty why you treating me like a baby" I said "because you are my baby and you a have a broken arm" he said "OK" I said

"can I have some kisses from my Evy" he said "fine but just don't hurt me" I said he got on top of me "don't worry baby I won't hurt you" he said kissing me

I giggled when he licked my lips I didn't accept an continued to kiss him he growled and I felt his hand go down to my ass and gave it a little squeeze I gasped his tounge went inside my mouth his hands were on my waist

he carried me to our room he put me on the bed his head on my neck I got a pillow for my cast good thing he was on my left not my right I heard his soft purrs

"baby you sleeping" I felt him nod I moved to his chest an fell asleep I felt him kiss my head "I love you Evan" he said "I love you too" I said falling asleep in his arms

My first Vancat one shot
Hoped you Enjoyed my one shot guys thank you so much for reading give me some ideas or request for my next one shot

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