Forbiddened Part 2

827 26 8



Tony- 24

Lui- 23

Summary: They keep going until they tell the truth and Evan can turn into a small wolf and big wolf

I was doomed they looked in side I was expecting to get attacked by the wolves but nothing

"Ok everything good thanks for your corporation" David said "your welcome" I said "bye Tyler" they said leaving

I went to our room and I saw no one all I heard was whimpering from under the bed I looked and see a small pup

Just like when I was a kid I got the pup and I looked into his eyes and I can see Evan "baby Change for me" I said

He turned back into a human but on my lap he was wearing one of my big shirts and one of his boxers "what's wrong baby" I asked

"They were one of my friends we would hang out a lot but once the got a job as a one of my royal guards my father decided that since we were friend"

"We would goof off a lot and he decided to take them to a different location to see if vampires would come" he crying

"Baby don't cry" I said hugging him "They care for you they came to find you" I said

"Yeah that's true" he said moving his head to my chest

3 days later Evan's P.O.V
I have been thinking about telling my family about Tyler "Ty I have been thinking about telling my family" I said

"You sure baby don't you think they will kill me" he said "and if they do I will kill myself to be with you" I said

"Ok ready baby" he asked "yes" I said holding his hand as we walked to my cave I was so scared Tyler saw it "baby dont be scared" he said

Holding my waist while mine around his neck "I don't want to lose you" I said hugging him

"You won't baby cause i have you by my side" he said kissing me "you are so cheesy" I said laughing "I am cheesy for you" he said

We held hands and we got to the cave of wolves we were greeted with the royal guards they growled at Tyler But once they saw us holding hands they were shocked

I looked at them and the just stood up like guards I smiled at them as they smiled at us

Tyler's P.O.V.
I looked them and they smiled wait they can smell my scent why aren't they attacking me

"If your wondering why they didnt attack you is cause they are kinda vampires as well" Evan said

"Really" i asked "yup" he said once we got in the cave everyone stopped and saw me they growled but we heard a howl

I looked up and saw the same wolf that saved me i was shocked the wolf turned into the King

And a teen was next to him "Evan why is a vampire here" the teen said "Ro he saved my life from another Vampire" Evan said

"Wait a minute" the king said "son can you come here" he said pointing to me i looked at Evan and he just looked worried

I kissed his head as i heard gasps i walked to the king "you saved my boy" he asked "yes sir he could have been a bleeding mess" i said

He looked in my eyes an he chuckled "i remember you, you were the kid about to get attack by a vampire" he said

"Yup that was me" i said "whats your name son" he asked "Tyler" i said "Tyler you saved my boy and for that what would you like" he said

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