How do i say this

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Hayo guys um so you guys have notice that I haven't been updating as much as before its cause of a mistake so I'll tell you a story of my miserable life and there's two

Story one:
It was my birthday it was going to be my 10th birthday and we were going to see my uncle that suffered from 2 heart attacks

So I was barely waking up until I hear a phone ring



"Whats wrong"


"How am I going to tell her its her birthday"


"Oh dear god"


"Alright *cries* we'll be there *cries*"

*hangs up*

my older brother comes in the room looking at me sad and guilt "mom has to tell you something"

I walked outside and see my mom crying I run up to her she looks at me and says

"Mija you know how we were going to see your uncle for your birthday" she said sniffing I nod

"Well he *cries* died mjia today at 7:30"

And my world ended from there after my 10th it was my worst birthday instead of having us go to a nice place

I went to a cemetery for my birthday

Story two:

It was January 20th 2017 I was at school with my boyfriend and three friends it was raining so we went to wet ourselves

Out side so I was completely wet no one else was wet from my friends since it was cold my boyfriend decided to get all handsy or all over a girl

It got my pissed cause he was holding her hand almost I didn't say anything so I could teach him a lesson later

We had a fight I told him to find out what he did and his ass acting all stupid and shit saying

'I didnt do nothing'

'I never did it'

His ass was unfaithful the girl he was getting all handsy with is my friend she is really friendly she doesn't like him

But she told me this in the same words

"Your boyfriend like me" I was so sad cause he would tell 'I love you' every day and she said to him "I love you too but as a brother" she told me he said in a love way

She doesn't like him and my world splited there I gave lost of chances and he broke them what do I get in return

Stupid love shits I couldn't take it anymore I confronted him but I just couldn't handle it I'm sorry I just needed some one to talk to

I'll try uploading soon bye my hoodinis

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