Forbidden Part 1

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Tony- 24

Lui- 23

Summary: Evan is the prince of werewolves he soon meets a handsome Vampire but it is their law not to fall in love with a Vampire but he loves him anyways later on they confess to each other Evan gets a heat

Evan's P.O.V
I was walking in my wolf form hunting for the night i am the prince of werewolves my farther is the king but i soon will be the king
by Yellow eyes spot something

A deer (i dont mean anything here i am sorry if one of you guys like deers sorry) I get down and ran to it bitting it's neck i turned back into human form

I carried the deer on my shoulder and running to the wolves cave and i was greeted by my farther and my baby sister Maria she was a pup

She ran to me into my arms "Hey Maria" i said petting her "good thing your back son" my farther said patting my arm "did you watch out for the vampires" he asked

"Yeah i did no one near by sir " i said he chuckled and looked at my head he laughed even more i looked at him confused

But then i felt something on my head "look at this trouble maker" he said getting Maria off my head "are you going to teach her how to hunt" he asked

"Yeah why don't I take her now" I said "alright" he said as he gave me a hug and left "well let's go trouble maker " i said and turned into my wolf form

And putting her on my back

Deep into the woods Evan's P.O.V
We arrived to the hunting grounds "so what you want to do is get down making" i said getting down she just sat there giving me a confused look

"Never mind your still young to know this shit" i said playing with her but then I smelled the air and it smelled like a vampire

I got Maria I heard a noise but it only got closer "go run to the pack I'll be home later" I said she put her head in my neck and ran

I turned back to the vampire and turned into my wolf form growling at it he ran towards at me and attack me he bite my neck

I howled and growled I turned back to human form and i fought him I threw a punch my yelled eyes looked at his we fought

Until i was a bleeding mess I couldn't stand any more I fell to the ground and passed out

Tyler's P.O.V
I was out for a walk to find Tony he ran off when we were hunting I smelled the air and I saw a wolf his back was facing me but he was a bleeding mess

I ran to him and turned him around I looked at his face and I see the most handsome boy ever no I can't fall for a wolf can I

I carried him bridal style and took him to my under ground house that no one knows I cleaned up his bruises

I took him to the guess room and I went to my room and I fell asleep

Evan's P.O.V. The next day
I woke up in a different room I was in pain I looked at my arms and see the were bandaged all i remember was getting hurt by a vampire

I tried to stand up but there was a knock on the door it opened and I saw the most handsome boy ever no I can't fall for a vampire can I

"Your up" the vampire said I was shocked he didn't attack me or anything I got up getting on my feet "go ahead kill me if you" I said

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