True love

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David -31-36



Summary-Evan is a princess and who was forced to marry Prince Jonathan who was dating Princess Craig. Then prince Tyler came in Evan's life and they started dating for 5 years. Before Evan's wedding Tyler proposes to Evan which his parents approve and they had their wedding. After the wedding, smut happened.

Request by: TheDeliriousFamily thank you lovely for the request 🤗

Evan's P.O.V.

I walked around the castle humming a sweet tone my mother sang to me when I was a kid my friends around would greet me and by friends I mean the servants but I don't like calling them like that along with my family 

"Princess father told me to call you" my older brother Peter told me "Why" I asked as we walked to their meeting room "i don know they said it was very important" He said 

As we entered the room I see three new people I have never seen before my mother had a frown on his face 

"What's going on here" I asked "Well son since your brother has a lover and soon will be King or Queen of the O'Hara kingdom we have found someone for you to marry and this is the young man who you will be Jonathan Denis" my father said pointing to the prince

Jonathan does seem like a handsome nice young man but I can't marry man I don't love I can't believe my parents did this its makes me boil inside "Hello my name is Evan Fong" I said sticking my hand out for him to shake it

"Hello Princess" he said taking my hand and kissing it I blushed a bit "And these are the King and Queen of the Denis Kingdom King Lui and Queen Brian" my mother said 

"Hello your majesties" I said bowing "Why hello dear" the queen bowed as well "Its a pleasure" the king said 

"Evan why don't you show the prince around the castle maybe the garden" My mother said "Yeah you should while we talk about the wedding" my father said 

"sure come on Prince Jonathan" I said taking him to the garden "so tell me a bit about yourself" I said 

"Well I love to play with my friends in the castle my favorite color is blue and I want to make new friends now tell me a bit of yourself" he said 

"Well I like to dance, have fun with my brother, and my favorite color is red" I said we talked for a bit until he told me this 

"Can I tell you something" he said sure what is it" I asked "Well you seem like a nice guy but I have been dating someone in secret and that is Princess Craig" he said 

"Wait the Princess Craig Thompson" I asked "yes how did you know" he asked "Me and him have been best friends for a long time that's so sweet" I said smiling 

"Really your not mad that I can't marry you" he said "no I find it really sweet that you already fallen in love but why haven't you told your parents" I asked 

"I don't think the will accept him since his parents are enemies with my parents but I lie to them saying that I will go the training but I really go to see him" he said

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