The Rise of A Queen and the Fall of King

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A/N: First off, I know Marina isn't this violent at all and  I don't see her like this. I love her a lot and she's my rolemodel. This was just a fun idea I came up with, so please do not be offended and say,"Marina would never do that!" I know. :) Enjoy, Diamonds and Lokittys <3

Marina's P.O.V

Chapter 1

All I ever wanted was to be wonderful..

I stepped outside, carefully placing down my bare feet. All the little girls growing up wanting, yearning to be princesses, that was me. But I have done it, I was finally it. I am not just a princess anymore, I am a Queen. I beamed into the early morning, birdsong filling my ears. I ran my hands through my blonde hair with the dark roots at the top. It was cool outside, and goosebumps were on my arms in my light nightgown, but I didn't care. I smiled widely at no one.

I turned around as I heard a clash of a tray. Silver, in fact, like the disappearing sliver of the moon this budding morning. Then I heard the screams. I turned back, and couldn't stop smiling. So, I thought, they found my little surprise. I sat down on the steps that lead to the entrance to the castle, crossing my arms against the chill. Cries of surprise and heartbreak, I assumed, echoed behind me. A servant came running of to me.

"Oh my God! Princess-Princess Marina, the- the King, your father- he's he's.. dead!" She sobbed,"Oh dear, child, you are too young to harbor your father's death and ruling this kingdom! For you haven't any relatives left.."

I turned towards her, straightening up until I stood, shoulders back and head high,"Lita. I am not a princess anymore, I am Queen! I'm seventeen, I can and will rule just fine. You are now commanded by me. Show your respect, servant!" I shouted. She wanted to ruin my fun. She would not. I pushed her to her knees. Rightful place for her rank. I took the dagger I used on the king that I set down beside me and wiped the blood off it onto my gown. Her eyes widened,"You.. you.."

I cut her off with my finger to my lips, sending her a wink as I stabbed my thigh and screamed loudly.

I dropped the dagger in front of her quickly before she had time to process what I did. I grasped my thigh, shrieking and falling to the floor. It really did hurt and so I let tears flow down my cheeks. Guards that weren't already with the dead king rushed to me, taking in the sight as I lay on the floor. I pointed to her and choked out,"She did it!  She just tried to kill me!"

The guards roughly grabbed her, dragging her away as she pleaded not guilty. I sat up after they left, smiling. I winced though as I tried to stand. Blinking to add the effect of more tears, I limped to the King's chambers, surveying the maids, servants,guards, and court people surrounding the king, shocked and crying. I sniffled loudly, making them turn. I widened my eyes as they moved, as if I saw the dead king just then. I let out a piercing scream and limped as fast as I could to his side. Clutching his limp arm, I whispered hoarsely,"Daddy, are you okay?" A maid behind me that was already crying softly, starting sobbing. I guess I really was pitiful. A servant took my hand and looked at me sadly, shaking his head as if i was just a child that didn't understand. I looked down, squeezing my eyes shut.

Opening them, I said in the angriest voice I could muster,"Who did this? Who killed my father, the king??!" People cowered at the my voice, muttering out their ignorances of who did it. But I knew very well who did it, and I had to shut my eyes briefly as I saw the images in my head of when I did it. It was all for power,wasn't it? Power and control. I gestured to my bloody thigh and dress.

"I have an idea of who it was! A maid of the name Lita, tried to kill me with an already bloody dagger. She tried to wipe the blood off on me, and when I tried to move away, she tried to kill me. I did not know who's blood it was, but now I do. Now I see the horror and for the horrible murder of my precious father, the king; she shall be severely punished! " My voice echoed around the room in the stunned silence. "Oh, Princess Marina, we are deeply sorry for your loss, and she shall!" called a voice. People echoed it, yelling 'She shall!'

I raised my hand, palm up, to silence them,"I will not be a Princess anymore. I am Queen of Diamonds and today we wear black for this grievous day. No one will go outside today. No color will show because today no color shows in our hearts. Today our hearts are black as the evening sky. Today, we mourn. Today, I am Queen, and I command this: Every man in the cells of prison shall be executed. We won't have people of crime walk our streets, will we? Then why in our prisons?" I stood tall and pointed to the guards,"On with it."

The guards shifted,"What about the women? In the cells?"

I shook my head,"Bring them to me. I need more maids and servants. I am young; I need help. But I am not young enough to be questioned on my commands. Do as I have told you and punish the ones who doubt me. "

The people in the room looked at me with all kinds of different faces, disbelief, pride, gratitude, and some opposing, defiant ones. I shrugged at them. Better to be hated than loved for what you're not.

Lies {a Marina and the Diamonds/ Loki from &quot;Thor&quot; fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now