How to be a heartbreaker

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I woke, annoyed, seeing Lana's arm draped across my face. I smiled, though, when I saw her peaceful face, and got up.
Day 2 of being queen has already begun, I thought as I strolled through the castle. Guards rushed to my side, alarmed faces showing quite obviously.
"Yes?" I said monotonously.
"My Queen," spoke one, tall, with brilliant grey eyes. My interest started. I waited for him to continue.
"There's a fallen guard in the throne room. He looks to be murdered, Your Majesty." His voice was beautiful. I smiled at it.
I walked closer to him, watching the other guards cower. My last stunt with the maids murdering the male servants and dancing around their bodies must of not suited them. Pity.
"It's quite alright," I smiled again,"I did it."
I almost laughed at their simultaneous gasp; it was remarkable how in sync they were. I fluttered my eyelashes, stretching the sleepiness out of my limbs. I waited for them to ask me why. They didn't.
"He broke the rules," I told them, my voice going cold as I scanned each of their faces.
"He lied," I walked over to the body, which still lay in his blood. Why didn't they pick it up already? Idiots.
I felt their eyes on me as I bent down to pick up the severed ear, holding it up to them.
"He didn't listen," I finished.
"That's what happens when you do not obey your queen," a new, raspy and raw voice said.
I turned to see Lana walk liquidly down the hall to us, green eyes dark and lashes sweeping her cheeks.
"Lovely," I beamed," Our guest, and my new friend, Lana."
The guards still seemed hurt about the fallen guards, even after I explained it. I frowned.
"Stop that!" I said, grabbing a guard who had started to cry,"I couldn't have him breaking the rules! We have to have rules here or else we won't have any fun! I cannot have people breaking rules, it will not go unpunished!"
The gray eyed guard looked at me hard," The guard you slaughtered was his brother, my Queen."
I parted my mouth, hurt with his use of words,"How dare you-"
Lana placed a manicured hand on my shoulder, calming me. I breathed heavy, craving to destroy, to hurt, to kill. Why does this keep happening? Why can't I be happy? They are suppose to make me happy, make me feel adored, and and and-
"Shh, shh, Marina. Don't cry, it's all right," Lana cooed. I strode away from the guards to my room, rummaging through my drawers for a mirror.
I gaped at my running mascara and smeared it as I wiped hurriedly at my face. It wouldn't come off, my weakness was showing, it was showing! I wiped harder and harder, angry red marks appearing, black lines and fingerprints all over my face. I looked horrible. I looked like I was a dirty servant, not a queen. I screamed in frustration, throwing the mirror hard against the wall, finding pleasure in the way it shattered in a million pieces, the sound heavenly to my ears.
I got a vase of cherry blossoms and threw it against the wall, too, little happy sounds coming from my throat. I just kept throwing and throwing, crying and crying, wiping and wiping.
I reached for my mother's jeweled necklace, heavy and sapphire, and threw it as hard as I could.
"Marina, please!" Lana yelled, and I crumpled. She held me like I was her favorite sister. I sniffled.
"They won't accept me as a queen. They won't let me punish the rule breakers. They won't love me. They won't help me. I have no one to guide me Lana! How am I supposed to be a queen when my mother's dead? When my father's dead? When I'm an only child? "
I lowered my voice, looking into her sympathetic eyes," I should of never killed the king." I sighed.
Her eyes widened,"You w-what?"
"Shush, Lana. I don't want you to reprimand me. You're the only other person who knows . The only one I can trust. I can trust you right? Can't I? Because if not.. I don't want to kill my only friend."
Lana blinked,"Marina, you are freaking crazy. You are wild, you are free. But I am too. And I forgive you." I swallowed the aching in my throat, so grateful for her.
"Thank you so much. I don't know what I'd do without you." I smiled at her.
"You know, maybe you do need help, Marina," she replied, helping me up and finding a rag to wipe away the smudges on my face.
"Maybe, you need a king? There's a new king, in Asgard, where I'm from. He's very attractive. His name is Loki and he needs a king," she spoke so fast I almost couldn't keep up.
"Lana, slow down, let me process this."

Lies {a Marina and the Diamonds/ Loki from "Thor" fanfic}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum