Part 3

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When I awoke, I was still in my SHIELD jumpsuit, but I was in bed. The sun was leaking through my blinds and filling the room with slits of sunshine. I checked my clock, and saw it was 5am. I'd need to be out the house by quarter past 7, so I had free time on my hands. Going back to sleep wasn't an option, as I'd most definitely oversleep and Madds would go without me almost surely.

She was usually awake at this time, she didn't like to sleep after an occurrence in Amsterdam while training with MI5. She coped perfectly well with the lack of sleep, whereas I usually didn't.

Feeling lazy, I decided to go to her flat for breakfast.

I opened her door with my spare keys to find her making waffles and grinning.

"I fucking love America, Betty, I swear to God." She laughed as she poured the batter.

I picked a waffle from the growing stack and began to tear bits off, watching her mumble out loud to herself while she whipped up more mix.

Only then did the significance of today hit.

Today we would become field agents properly for the first time ever. We would be in the same league as Agents Barton and Romanoff by the end of training today. We already knew the basics of field work, and a few more advanced notes, but we were transferred over here during the more intermediate classes.

Now, we would be assigned our code names and ranking, along with specialities.

Madds produced a bottle of chocolate sauce and coated the waffles, before sitting opposite me and licking the top one whilst picking it off the pile.

"So." She said.

"Today." I smiled.

She paused, and then smiled too.

"I made another friend yesterday."


"Loki." She said coolly.

"Well I guess I made a friend too." I ate another one.


"Thor." I said coolly.





We ate the rest and cleaned away in silence. She was excited, but she had an odd way of showing it.

"You have to leave now. I'm going to shower." She told me.

I moped back to my apartment and did the same, waiting for her knock on the door to get me at 7:15.

She rarely talked unless it was necessary, or you and her were on very good terms. I tended to talk a bit. I wasn't really a nervous person. Neither was she, I guess. Just very reserved.

I pondered over this for a while in a clean jumpsuit until the knock came, and I left my flat and locked it, before walking to the car with Madds in silence.

"You okay?" She asked as she drove.

"Yeah. Very excited." I grinned.

She gave a small grin in response; and the rest of the drive was in an awkward silence, fuelled by Call Me Maybe and other fantastic *cough* songs of the like.

We arrived, and a very neutral looking Agent Hill greeted us at the SHIELD headquarters.

"If you'll follow me please, girls."

Catching my reflection in the panelled walls, I saw someone who was confident. Someone with a nice smile, blue eyes, rather blonde hair and a voice that could go on for ages and could sound pleasing doing so. I wore my hair up in a cliche messy bun for today, as it suited my face, and it was easy, but as I caught a glimpse of Madds in the paneling and saw a girl hiding behind dark red hair and eyeliner flicks and lipstick like there was another mystery with her altogether.

I turned back around and kinda hoped I'd see Thor today. Even a hello would reassure me I had a friend in him. We talked yesterday about Earth briefly before I was called away, but it was a very intriguing conversation. He spoke in riddles; in a way he probably didn't know was poetic.

and rather hot.

Well at least I knew where his room was.

After following Agent Hill down seemingly endless corridors, we arrived at Fury's office.

"He's flown from the helicarrier to be here, girls." Agent Hill piped up.

"Thanks for that, Maria. Cleared things up." I said with a sarcastic wink.

She sighed, and knocked, before striding back down the winding corridors.

"Come in, Girls."

Maddi and I walked into the room, closing the door behind us.

"I thought we should discuss codenames first. Give yourself a basis to work on and grow on. I have chosen for you."

We both waited, the second that Fury paused seemed like a millennia.

"Agent Crossan. You shall be Miss Hex. Spy extraordinaire, yes? You will base yourself on the spy ideals and the things you will need to do to accomplish your missions. Invulnerable, Logical and Intelligent." He smiled slightly.

"Agent Hilliard. You will be known as Rose Baron. The healer. You are a bond that will fix wounds while everyone else glues them shut. Telepathy and Precognition. Stay smart, Bethan."

Excited would be an understatement.

"Let me down, and your head will be on a spike. You will not let me down. Capiche?"


"Now go."

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