Chapter 6: I Wish You Heaven

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It was a rather gelid night in Minnesota when Egypt had awoken from her slumber. Egypt hadn't been feeling her best lately and that night she seemed to be experiencing some nauseousness. She braced herself on the side of her bed and prayed that she wasn't sick with some sort of illness. Her stomach began to create rumbling noises and immediately she vomited. She gasped at the mess she made upon the floor. Although it was just a spit up, she still felt guilty when she destroyed any of Prince's things. She rushed into the bathroom and continued in there. The commotion awoke Prince who was still sleeping. "Egypt?" Prince muttered. He cocked his head in his opposed direction to find Egypt on the bathroom floor. Prince leaped out of bed to aid to Egypt's need. Egypt laid exhausted on the floor. She could barely pick herself up. "Egypt, baby are you okay?" Prince asked, concernedly. Egypt just laid her swimming head on Prince's lap. This made Prince perturbed. "Egypt, please speak to me!" Prince exclaimed. He pulled her body into his arms and cradled her. She still had lingering puke surrounding her lips, But Prince swore she was the most beautiful girl in the world. He moistened a towelette and cleaned upon her face. He placed a kiss upon her forehead, not moving one inch.

The chippering birds sang on a less blissful morning. The sun seemed to have a much dimmer shine than usual. The sunlight revealed Prince and Egypt on the icey bathroom floors. It seemed as though they have continued their slumber there. There were no blankets warming their bodies. The heat their bodies were producing seemed to be just enough for them. Prince began to regain his consciousness, slowly. He opened his light brown eyes to Egypt who was still counting sheep. It was days like this where he wished that he could live forever. Heaven was truly a place on earth with Egypt. He sighed softly to himself as he took in the beauty of Egypt as he did every morning. He placed a kiss upon her quivering lips and pulled himself off the ground. "What time is it?" Prince wondered as he looked outside. It didn't seem to be vibrant, so he concluded that it was morning. He strolled into the kitchen to make some breakfast. Egypt needed nutrients after that previous night. He scrambled some eggs and made some toast. He didn't want Egypt consuming too large of a meal. Prince headed back to his bedroom and placed the platter onto his bed. "Rise and shine, Egypt!" Prince exclaimed. Egypt grumbled when she heard the sound of Prince's jubilant voice echoing. She rose her body up to lock glares with the man of her dreams. I have breakfast for the bestest!' He exclaimed. He slid Egypt a plate of toast and eggs, that she happily gobbled. "What, no greeting?" Prince taunted. He placed a kiss on Egypt's crumb filled lips. She tasted of the breakfast she had just eaten. Prince figured that his morning kiss would awaken her from her rut; however, she just lied there. That didn't stop Prince from covering her whole body in oily kisses. She grumbled at the sweetness of Prince. 'Why is he so happy this morning? She pondered. 'Why are you so happy this morning? Egypt inquired. She wiped the crumbs off of her mouth with a damp washcloth that seemed to randomly lie next to her. Egypt was far too ill to express any sort of joy. 

All she wanted was to feel better. Egypt pondered why she felt so sickly. That's when it hit her. 'I could be pregnant.' She gazed at Prince who seemed to be picking out Egypt's clothing for the day to come. He was so catering to her needs, like a slave without an owner. He catered to her until she no longer was in need. She decided that the best thing to do was share the idea with Prince. She didn't have proof of her theory being true; however, it was still a possibility. Egypt felt that possibilities should be taken seriously just like facts. 'Prince, I think I am pregnant.' Egypt confessed, suddenly. Prince stopped in his tracks once he heard the words Egypt said. He turned to her with mistful eyes and bolted to her side. 'Are you sure?' Prince questioned, eagerly. Egypt jolted in shock at his eagerness. 'Do you want to have children, Prince?' Egypt replied, questioning his question. He nodded in reply to Egypt's question. This made her relieved. 'Answer me, Egypt. I can't wait any longer!' Egypt shrugged her shoulders. She really didn't know how to answer Prince. 'Do you need a test? I will buy you one!' Prince insisted. Before Egypt could respond, Prince drove Egypt to the nearest pharmacy to buy a pregnancy test.

Inside of the pharmacy, Egypt and Prince stood in the aisles searching for the quality pregnancy tests. Prince seemed to be more jovial than Egypt. He fiddled with each pregnancy tests until he found the perfect one for Egypt. 'Egypt!' Prince called. Her attention seemed to be captured by the baby clothing that hung about. 'Egypt, I found one.'He said, grinning. He looked at Egypt and grinned wider.  He really hoped her theory became true. 'The baby onesies here are so adorable!' Egypt exclaimed. She touched the fabric and felt its smooth texture. She would buy it if she were to be pregnant. 'Egypt, we don't have time to wait. We must take the test!' Prince directed. Egypt took the pregnancy test to the pharmacy's bathroom and proceeded to take it whilst Prince purchased the test up front.  He gushed to the cashier about how exhilarated he was about the situation. The careless cashier only nodded at Prince's speech giving no enthusiasm in return. 

The minutes began to whisk by once Egypt had finished her test. She waited immensely long for the results to load. As more time continued to waste, A positive result came forth. Egypt gasped at the test. She couldn't believe that her theory came true. All she could think about was how thrilled Prince was going to be about this. She bolted out of the restroom and strolled over to Prince's side. 'What did it say?' Prince asked, anticipatingly. Egypt gazed upon the tile floor and pretended to be doleful. Prince sighed to himself. He just knew the test was negative. Egypt noticed the rise she was getting out of Prince. As they exited the pharmacy Egypt handed the pregnancy test to Prince. He took a breath and gazed at the results. The results were positive just as he hoped. 'Yes!' He exclaimed. He tackled her onto the cement floor and cuddled her body by the curb of the store. She chuckled as Prince embraced her so. There is nobody in the world that I'd rather be with than you.' He whispered.

Egypt and Prince sat in the parking lot of the pharmacy coming up with names for their child to be. 'If it is a girl I want to name her Crimson Rain.' Egypt declared. She always dreamed of having a daughter, if she were to ever become pregnant. Maybe now she'd finally get her wish. Prince opposed Egypt's conjecture. His intuition perceived otherwise. 'I think our baby will be a boy.' The couple agreed to disagree amongst their notions. They shall see soon who's guess was correct. Egypt's stomach rumbled as she was imposed by the aroma of freshly-baked pizza, subsequently after their peaceful moment they shared. 'Ooh, I think the baby is hungry!' Prince exclaimed.  'I think the baby would like a slice of pepperoni pizza.' Egypt hinted. 'Wow, our baby can think for itself, already.' Prince stated, obliviously.  Egypt clutched upon his arm and guided him across the street to a pizza restaurant neighboring their local pharmacy. As they arrived at the establishment, Prince felt his stomach rumble at the sight of the restaurant.  He too could use a slice.


Prince and Egypt sat famished for their slices to be served. Prince wouldn't shut up about all the things that he would do with their unborn child. The first thing on the future agenda was a piano lesson. 'I want to teach our baby how to play piano!' Prince exclaimed. Egypt was so ecstatic to meet her baby soon. She secretly hoped to God that she would be blessed with a baby girl.  Prince gazed into Egypt's eyes as he seemed to all of the time. Egypt gazed into his eyes as well, one of her favorite features of Prince were his eyes. 'I want our baby to have your eyes.' She confessed. Prince blushed at Egypt's comment. He never believed that he was appealing. Egypt brushed Prince's red-pigmented cheeks. He fell cozily into her caresses and pecked her fingertips. Something told Egypt they would last a long time after that night.


After they finished their dinner, they arrived at their apartment. Prince and Egypt plopped onto the bed and shifted their attention to one another. Prince smiled at the sight of Egypt's languid expression. She consistently looked gorgeous in this state. Prince had one more thing to relay before Egypt fell to rest. It was something he contemplated on the day. 'If by chance our baby is a boy, I want to name him Prince.' Egypt faintly nodded at his notion. As usual, she fell to slumber whilst Prince soundly observed. 

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